Tribes [Secrets]


Veteran XX
In the theme of the segment from Conan O'Brien (for those that are unfamiliar).

A few of my deep dark Tribes secrets.

* - in competitive matches I always tried to get to the inv first no matter what we had decided on before the match. Screw the HOs and cappers.

* - For a time, I used to secretly shoot just behind the flag on SH for a front capper so I could get more points for a flag kill.

* - on SB, I still have no fucking clue of any routes / paths leading to the bases other than the ole straight old down the middle tactic - I never screwed with any of those crazy side routes.

* - Despite playing competitively for 5+ years, I have no clue how to repeatedly spam in the chat window (other than the key binds)

* - I first learned about skiing by watching FSB-SPYs demo on RD as he sat next to the flag and jumped continuously. I thought, 'man that dude is really doing a number on his spacebar....'

* - On extremeski2 I have spent hours trying to jump on the little columns under the ramp trying to get all the way to the bottom, and for some reason when I miss my weird fear of heights kicks in as I know I'm falling to my death.

Please tribers, share your secrets, this is a safe place :heart:.
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* - I once smurfed as a famous Tribes player just to see what people would write to me when I joined the server. (Don't remember whose nick I used though.)
*- I constantly kept checking if I had the biggest score on my team, especially when playing against weaker teams.
* - Sometimes, instead of actually being a useful teammate, I would make it my sole goal in each map to place a camera inside the enemy base, then once I respawned, use it to just watch what was going on inside of it, and then just not play for the rest of the map.
* - I would return a flag in the field so that I could chase noobs on USB server or wtvr it's called now. Shithole?
Tribes 1 sucked a lot of my time and energy from much more productive and worthwhile things, and if I had a chance to rewind and do it all over again, I would.
i once jumped into a ladder match where a team i disliked were playing, smurf'd as one of their players

i then tk'd the fuck out of them for the first few minutes of the map

now i think about it maybe i didn't dislike them..perhaps i just knew the server pw and thought it would be funny :roller: