Tribes : Ascend

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what really burns me is the nutriders. If everyone had a clue, and the feedback was ALL negative, maybe they'd actually change things around.

oh well. at least hi-rez has given us the freedom to not spend money on it.

Yeah. That's the most infuriating thing about their forums.

Their attempts at justification are pretty hilarious, though. Especially when they contradict themselves in the exact same post.

As an example, here's an intelligent exchange I just had with a fanboy trying to defend the perks system.
Wobberjockey said:
Wobberjockey said:
do the words "out of practice" mean ANYTHING to you?

besides even IF such a player had such the base level of skill that they could pick up and play from the get go, i fail to see how it should be hirez's problem.

if a team wants to go in short handed like that that is THEIR choice.

the NFL didn't say that every team needed to use their backup QB because the Panthers wanted to start Cam Newton, why should Hirez say that everyone needs to play sans perks because your "old friend" didn't put in the time to unlock the perks he wanted... especially considering he could have bought a booster and earned them in a few hours

and this STILL has no ties to my competitive experience. even a hobo on the street could figure out that this shouldn't be hirez's problem

Your analogy to football players does nothing but further the opposing viewpoint. The difference between that backup quarterback and Cam Newton is the TALENT, SKILL, and EXPERIENCE of the players, not access to the equipment they need to play the game. I'm pretty sure both players have helmets and shoulderpads.

With this current system, it's like forcing Cam Newton to play without cleats because he hasn't invested enough time with his current "team". Whereas the backup quarterback may be a horrible player in comparison, because he's been with his team and greased the right palms, he's got the brand new rocket-propelled cleats that enable him to do an under 3-second 40.

It makes no sense. A talented player shouldn't be at a disadvantage to an inferior player. This isn't an MMO. This isn't Pokemon. This is a first person shooter where skill is supposed to matter; not what "loadout" or "perks" you've spent the time/money to unlock.

ok, if we are going to take a simple example to that level. cam played collega and highschool football. he put in the time to level up the QB class and got the 'read defense', and 'run like hell' perks. because he's talented, he's also capable of playing a half decent running back, but he chose to specialize in QB not RB, so he doesn't have access to perks like 'break tackle' and 'follow blocker'

now, what you're proposing is that John doe, a 34 year old, overweight walk on off the street be allowed to play on the same field and because of this, the NFL will say every one of the other 105 players in the stadium will start playing 2 hand touch football with a 5 apple rush

again. this iis NOT HiRez's problem. Let the team who wants to bring in the weak link deal with it[/quote]

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actually it has sliding


Skiing died with the introduction of T:V. Although I was one of only a few on TW who actively made a stink about it - while the developer would just laugh at me with the back of the majority of TW.

Don't get why these developers love screwing up the most basic core concept of the franchise.
because real skiing requires quite a bit of mathematics, smart coding and trial and error

they just take the quickest shortcut made available to them in the unreal engine, namely reducing friction to 0 when you press spacebar
i'm going to sum up this thread with three words...


and i mean that from the bottom of my shriveled black heart.
everyone here who's mad is going to try the game anyway

i mean its free, come on. it's not like they're trying to swindle you out of your money
actually that's the problem

you can only say "even if the game sucks it's free!!" so many times, but in the end if it sucks you won't play it

many people here would pay for a good tribes game off the bat than have a shitty one for free
deciding to pay for VIP status represents a moral dillema for me. I doubt I'll get into the beta without it, but I don't really want to contribute money to a company that willfully shits on the series.
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actually that's the problem

you can only say "even if the game sucks it's free!!" so many times, but in the end if it sucks you won't play it

many people here would pay for a good tribes game off the bat than have a shitty one for free

you havent played it yet and you say it sucks
but unlike the previous shit iterations, you dont have to pay to confirm your suspicions. maybe it will turn out to be a decent game if you go along with their "class" based system

go play tribes 1 if you want another tribes 1. they seem rather hell bent on making t:a different from the rest
you havent played it yet and you say it sucks
but unlike the previous shit iterations, you dont have to pay to confirm your suspicions. maybe it will turn out to be a decent game if you go along with their "class" based system

go play tribes 1 if you want another tribes 1. they seem rather hell bent on making t:a different from the rest

Release your anger, Arcadus. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.

we've read about it, watched many videos, and listened to todd explain all the shitty things they are doing to it. but maybe it will be good. lol
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