Tribe Ministry?

KissMyASCII said:
Hey, peoples!
Is anyone from Tribe Ministry still around?

It's been awhile...
You made a total of 13 posts in your 5 years on TW.

Your only post in 2004 was made on august 31st and it was :"yo".

Welcome on TW!
wow..the only other thread you made was a huge success lol, 1 reply--by yourself. Again, just teasing.
Tao said:

There was once a Player who went to a great big LAN party. Each day during that party he would come in and tell the security guard at the door: “I am a famous thief and this LAN will not go unplundered” These words disturbed the security guard deeply as the LAN was full of expensive equipment. Each day he would watch the Player carefully and give him full body searches after the day was over, but to no avail. At the end of the festivities the Player told the security guard that he has plundered a great deal of booty. Greatly perplexed the guard asked him what booty was The Player talking about, since nothing was found on him. Player smiled and said: “I’ve been stealing strategies”
