TribalWar Magic Cards

Card: OFN

* Search your discard pile for any card and put it into play for no casting cost

* Take card's Printed casting cost in damage as TW flames you mercilessly for posting OFN.
JoMo said:
It should be called "GIANT HEAD" and have a pic of his huge head on there.

skillz should be called "VIRUS TIME!@!@!@!" and have a pic of the Happyflag Wolfpacc.

Also skillz should say something about "Confusion, and making posts that don't make sense."
it should say something like "upon the event a Ban Card is played, player may attempt to convince oponent 'they cannot be banned', however this will be overturned".
I give this thread 5 out of 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want one. Can't be too hard with a name like this.

I must commend you on the Scud card though. That Disposable Assassin shit was awesome. Wasn't there a neat genesis game or something about him?
So that's what these things are.

I don't think I'm popular or controversial enough for one, but I'll ask anyway.
Terra said:
i wont hurt you unless the cubs lose, then you're dead meat for jinxing.

at this point in my cubsfan life, i'm willing to attack, kill, murder, devour anyone for the cubs world series.

i cant wait to see what data's terra one is.

Calm down, I'm a Northsider too.
No jinxing was intented.
I'm surprised no one has said this yet. Not only should a LogRoller card be made, but it would be very easy to make as well.