Transgender Sets Powerlifting Records

I wasn't referring to modern ECT.

I was alluding to the primitive practice of using two electrodes to pass indiscriminant voltage across someones brain.

The obvious difference being that a serial killer acting on their desire harms other people, while a transgender person doing the same doesn't.

The examples posted throughout this thread should be enough to show you that it does harm other people. It's not a personal choice that operates in a vacuum.

A much better analogy would be tattoos/piercings/body mods. Is it ok for people to want to paint shit on their skin and insert bits of metal into their body? Why is that not a mental illness?

Just showing how foolish the current gender dysphoria treatment logic is in itself when applied to another mental illness. It sounds like you have an issue with body modifications, so why does removing or adding one's penis/vagina not bother you?

Gender Dysphoria Research Papers -

I guess none of those papers are "real science", and your opinion on the subject is just as valid as theirs? Is that what you're saying?

Does the research show how to cure GID so that individuals are satisfied with their sexual biology of birth?

Or do they go through a mental circle jerk trying to explain how GID is normal and the dysphoria is what needs treated?

I would say my opinions are just as valid as theirs, yes. Real science takes opinion out of it altogether though, right?

Or are we discussing whether the scientific method was used...

, straight to the "abnormal" equivocation.

I dare you to define what you meant by "normal" just then:

[ ] Common
[ ] Acceptable
[ ] Healthy
[ ] Other, please specify: ______________

I knew when I typed that it would trip your trigger because you have allowed yourself to become deluded as to what normal sexual identity is. This is where you, and those that think like you, truly live or die on this issue.

Do you think those suffering with GID would be within the normal bell curve distribution or on the fringes of it?
I wasn't referring to modern ECT.

I was alluding to the primitive practice of using two electrodes to pass indiscriminant voltage across someones brain.

it's a common misconception. it sounds bad, looks worse, but it's the most effective cure for depression. the reason it isn't used more is because it can cause memory loss and is only effective so long as semi-weekly treatments are applied, so you almost need to be hospitalized. but it can help a severely suicidal person get over the hump. has nothing to do with being primitive or barbaric.

it's like judging a heart transplant as insane because they literally cut a person open and rip their heart out!
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Most children want to eat ice cream and candy for every meal, doesn't mean u should let them. They are not capable of making rational mature informed decisions, unfortunately neither are many parents. ppl who sex change their kids should undergo castration first
Yeah. There's not really any miracle cures in psychiatry, but ECT comes close.

I have a small TENS machine, would that work as a homegrown budget ECT machine?

Say if I'm feeling a little down, could I put it on my head somewhere and cheer myself up?
I have a small TENS machine, would that work as a homegrown budget ECT machine?

Say if I'm feeling a little down, could I put it on my head somewhere and cheer myself up?

I don't know, but I think you should record yourself trying it out. Inquiring minds want to know.
It’s a tough situation.
A lot of trans persons wish they transitioned earlier...but we’re talking about children who are making permanent decisions for their bodies can we think that every child is capable of making a decision like this even if it might be the right one?
every fat fuck kid who eats a piece of candy is making a permanent decision about his body, why not let these kids eat a dick

or is that not what hormone treatment is
The examples posted throughout this thread should be enough to show you that it does harm other people. It's not a personal choice that operates in a vacuum.
Surely you can spot the difference between letting a serial killer kill someone, and letting a man change genders and then letting them participate in female sports. The changing of the genders isn't what caused the harm in itself, which is less than you can say for the killing of the person.

In case you didn't notice, I never disagreed with any of the posts pointing out that it's a bad idea to let transwomen compete against born women. That doesn't mean we shouldn't allow transwomen to exist.

Just showing how foolish the current gender dysphoria treatment logic is in itself when applied to another mental illness. It sounds like you have an issue with body modifications, so why does removing or adding one's penis/vagina not bother you?
You haven't explained why it's a mental illness though, you just keep asserting it. Which is why I brought up the analogy. You're the one who claims that wanting to switch genders is a mental illness, and I never said I have a problem with body modifications.

Now with all that out of the way, will you answer the question? Do you think that wanting body modifications/tattoos is a mental illness?

I would say my opinions are just as valid as theirs, yes.
So you don't believe that years and years of research makes an expert's opinion more informed than yours?

I knew when I typed that it would trip your trigger because you have allowed yourself to become deluded as to what normal sexual identity is. This is where you, and those that think like you, truly live or die on this issue.

Do you think those suffering with GID would be within the normal bell curve distribution or on the fringes of it?
Mmmm, I cannot help but notice that you didn't define what you meant by "normal". It sounds like you're implying "common" though. Is that it? When you said that transgenderism "to any healthy mind is understood as an abnormality", did you mean it is understood to be uncommon?
dr boom please refrain from using triggering language like bell curve

I cannot fully make up for the hate I have caused to spread, but going forward I will donate the majority of my annual salary to the Bell Curve Dysphoria foundation and associated academic studies that support it.
It’s a tough situation.
A lot of trans persons wish they transitioned earlier...but we’re talking about children who are making permanent decisions for their bodies can we think that every child is capable of making a decision like this even if it might be the right one?

Well... according to the court of British Columbia, it's child abuse for a parent to even discuss the issue with their child or anyone else for that matter. If the father refuses to refer to his daughter by her preferred "male" pronoun, it will consider it a case of "family violence".

Legal dispute between trans child and father takes new turn over freedom of expression | National Post

These are life altering decisions with irrevocable consequences that we're pushing on these kids who are not equipped to understand the full ramifications of their choices. We, as adults, don't even fully understand the nature of the consequences yet and are running this dangerous social experiment at the expense of a child's future.

It's immoral and unethical.

And any time someone speaks up and presents evidence that reveals the risks and dangers that have been observed, they are shouted down and censored as trans-phobic and bigoted. This isn't based on medical science, it is pushed based on an ideology.

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A transgender child is like a vegan cat. Everyone knows who's really making the decisions.
A transgender child is like a vegan cat. Everyone knows who's really making the decisions.

my eyes almost rolled out of my fucking head when charlize theron "announced" her child of like 7 years has decided it is a different gender