Trackball for gaming?

Does anyone use a trackball for gaming instead of a mouse? I currently use the MS Trackball Optical but I'm getting double click issues with it again. This is the second one I've had and both started giving the double click problem, so I'm thinking about getting something different. I'm considering going back to a mouse but I wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas on the best mouse/trackball for gaming and why?

Once upon a time I did. Logitech Marble. I personally dont think you have quite as much control with a Trackball as with a Mouse. Also after a few hours of gaming your thumb wants to fall off (I assume you are using thumb, since index finger trackballs suck complete arse).

A good optical mouse is the way to go.
I use the logitech marble mouse too, and I know plenty of gamers that really like it. I think gonstone is correct though, and you get slightly less fine control with a trackball than a mouse.
I like the logitech because I mouse in the left hand, and it's the only trackball I know that's symmetrical and usable in the left hand.

Incidentally the logitech is optical, which is really nice and smooth.
I only know of a few people who use a trackball mouse. They are not very good gamers even after using it for years. One of them is developing a fooked up thumb too, always complaining of aches in his thumb joint now.
One of the best Tribes players I have had the pleasure to play with used a TrackBall ... most of you know him, and would never know from the number of MAs he would hit ... freakest things I've ever seen ... so don't rule out a trackball ...
I would agree. I've used a trackball for gaming for as long as I've been gaming (pre T1). I've always done well with it. I'm only considering something new because of the problems that I'm having with my current trackball.
ive done trackball, joystick, and trackball and joystick....ill stick to my mouse. have fun with yours though!