Tower or Rack Server


Veteran XV
For the IT savvy guys in this crowd.

I'm looking at a colocation facility and they use a lot of dedicated tower servers. My other colocs are hosted in 1U servers.

Is there an actual reliability / performance difference between the two (tower vs rack?)
completely agree, though their pricing is rock bottom cheap. So if there isn't a major reliability difference, I wouldn't mind tower.
I would think Racks as far as space goes. Really depends on how much power you need. My department has a bigass cluster of racks working for the government 24/7.
well if they're rock bottom cheap with unusual/potentially cheap or old may be getting what you pay for
You usually do get what you pay for.

But if price is an issue, look at the servers and see what kind of setup they are. Do they have redundant power supplies? Is it a RAID setup in case a disk fails? etc

Rackmount or tower, they both do the same thing, and there's no added reliability in either design. However, rackmounts were created for a reason - organization and ease of use for the colo itself. Rackmount equipment is more expensive, but any colo or data center or business with many machines, wires, etc will spring for the more expensive hardware because it makes their job easier and more efficient. A facility that still uses towers is really just amateur and is getting by with cheap hardware.

That's the part I'd be worried about.
you're most likely co-locating with some dude's bedroom/living room in his mom's basement if they even give you the option of using a tower server.
I actually had to help my boss setup our new server rack.

He reinforced (many times) that you get what your pay for in this area of hardware.... so beware...

We paid 300 for our rack, and trust me, it was a bottom of the line rack.
I'd throw my hat in, but it's the same opinion. Rackmount usually means they're serious about what they're doing.

she's got a tower...

of rolls