[Torrent] Apparently Torrentit's back


Veteran XV
After 2 or however many years when it was shut down (i was so sad when that happened :( this was by far my favorite torrent site)


Not sure what the diff is between the two url's. this seems legit but honestly i'm not sure. i found an email from them in my spam folder, and the .eu site gives me a bad security certificate :shrug:

Anyone else get invited too?

PS - Registration Closed :: TorrentIt registration is invite only
I loved TorrentIt, my ratio was amazing on there. Nothing in any of my emails for a reinvite however.
My favorite site back in the day was TorrentSpy. The community there was very active so many of the Torrents were reviewed and you knew which were the best adult torrents.
I got a bad cert too so I deleted the mail initially.

After seeing this thread I decided to bite the bullet and give it a try. Made an account and it appears legit. ~300 users with ~100 torrents. Tested a few ups and they work. You get 5GB upload credit to start.

Dunno what the bad cert is all about but I'm gonna stay away from the site for a bit then come back and see what's going on at that point.
I didn't get a message and my e-mail didn't work in the recovery thing :(
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Bad cert could mean they're just too cheap to buy a new cert. My work (the underfunded EE dept of a major research university) is that way.