Tomogram: on US Bases in Iraq

Truly the only reason this is even news is because its Iraq.. we're doing the same thing in Afghanistan and all throughout Africa.. hell we just set up a new Unified Combat Command (AFRICOM) which has to have facilities built, and not a single person has said a thing about that, but they bitch about a fucking embassy in iraq because its trendy to hate on anything we do there.

the article touched on that
the article touched on that

in slight way yeah, still doesn't even mention africom or anything in africa (I just skimmed the article though, so maybe it is buried in 1 line of text). Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the article whatsoever, they guy has a great point.. I'm just stating what I think before the hordes come out and start spouting shit without even realizing we've garrisoned shit since before we were even a country, its our MO.. and honestly, in my opinion we'd be fucking stupid if we just took over this country, rebuilt it, and didn't so much as build something for ourselves.
Long Story short is, we need a military presence in the Middle East

I remain skeptical on this point. I have yet to see a the slam-dunk argument supporting our "need" for a presence anywhere outside the US.

Truly the only reason this is even news is because its Iraq.. we're doing the same thing in Afghanistan and all throughout Africa.. hell we just set up a new Unified Combat Command (AFRICOM) which has to have facilities built, and not a single person has said a thing about that, but they bitch about a fucking embassy in iraq because its trendy to hate on anything we do there.

I don't think a writeup on qualifies as news.

I don't think we should build bases in these countries. Not a single person? Ron Paul says this every day. Noam Chomsky has been saying it for years.
in slight way yeah, still doesn't even mention africom or anything in africa (I just skimmed the article though, so maybe it is buried in 1 line of text). Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the article whatsoever, they guy has a great point.. I'm just stating what I think before the hordes come out and start spouting shit without even realizing we've garrisoned shit since before we were even a country, its our MO.. and honestly, in my opinion we'd be fucking stupid if we just took over this country, rebuilt it, and didn't so much as build something for ourselves.

He touches on AFRICOM, but the thrust of the article is about Iraq.

The spread of US military installations is covered in more detail in Chalmers Johnson's outstanding The Sorrows of Empire.
He touches on AFRICOM, but the thrust of the article is about Iraq.

The spread of US military installations is covered in more detail in Chalmers Johnson's outstanding The Sorrows of Empire.

I'll have to read that, but based on the description it makes it sound like the guy's argument is that we only started building bases since 9/11 to drive home a point, when in fact throughout our entire history as a country thats what we've done, starting with military expeditions out west, the monroe doctrine, the whole point of the spanish-american and Philippine-american wars, the war of 1812, the great white fleet, the barbary wars. so on and so on.. if you really really truly think about it, our entire military conflict history starts with us talking shit about knocking on the door of some nation and exerting our policies at will, somebody tries to call our bluff and 9 times out of 10 we go and knock the shit out of somebody to back it up, most people want to think we were this isolationist country upto WW2 because we never established colonies and the like, whereas the european countries were, however we were constantly building bases and remote military outposts instead. Hell the entire Super Carrier doctrine is based on the idea of being able to just chill off the coast of some country and exert our will.

But like i said, i'll read this book and see what he's all about.