To all you Seniors in Highschool....

btw i applied to UNC-Chapel Hill and i'm pretty sure i'll get in, so i'm going there woot :]

NC State iz my backup..
theres no need to be a fuck about where someones going to/has applied to college.

there are people here who could just easily make fun of you for applying to nc state (or even unc).

but they dont, because they are smart enough to realize that their intelligence (or, rather, strength of transcript) doesnt give them that right.

btw, congrats dude on getting in to WV and App. State, and good luck with ISU. My high school writing program and college choices are very different than yours, so I'm not really sure I really could (efficiently) help you improve your essay. i can tell you though that this is an improvement, as you start to explore more "why" (class sizes, etc) isntead of "i am a good applicant and you are a good school." and id cut the last sentence.
more revisions yet to be made, my counseler said my ACT is more than adaequete to get accepted so i just have to perfect this and ill be living the good life... hopefully
here is the topic I had to write about for U of Chicago:

"The Sudanese author Tayeb Salih wrote, "Turning to the left and right, I found I was halfway between north and south. I was unable to continue, unable to return." If he is unable to choose, the character faces the threat of being frozen in place or torn between two states. Describe a halfway point in your life - a moment between your own kind of "north" and "south" Tell us about your choice, your inability to choose, or perhaps your folly in thinking there was ever a choice to be made."