[TLC]Born a boy, brought up a girl

was just flipping through the tv and checked on here and sure enough someone made a fucking thread. they just had a show on before this about people getting poles, boards, or drill bits driven through their body. :( one lady was stabbed by a marlin :jawdrop:
The "girl" who is on the show btw, took it good.. he said "Well, I'm not crazy". His brother on the other hand freaked the fuck out. :lol:

Everyone involved in this should be shot.
The "normal" brother went schizo and was found dead after an overdose in 2002.. no proof if it was intentional or not.

The other one got married to a single mother of three. A big ole fat bitch. Plus he got lots of money.

The end
Whoops, not the end.

He lost his money in a bad investment. His wife wanted a separation. He put a shotgun in his mouth. Boom!

Now it's the end
lol how are they going to explain her deep voice, man hair, and build?

they will give the child female hormones to make it develop female secondary sex traits like breast and curves. the will also probably make the child a fake vagina also. this shit isn't new it has happened before.

edit: fucked up... TO THE MAXX!
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I'm pretty sure I've seen/heard this one before.

But if I were the parents, I would sue the mother fucking shit out of that hospital, and come up with a better solution than scarring my child for the rest of his fucking life.