Titanfall: Apex Legens - f2p battle royale game

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Veteran XX
Rumors suggest that a free-to-play, hero battle royale spinoff of Titanfall called Apex Legends is in the works at Respawn, and that it could be announced and released as soon as Monday, February 4.

First reported by YouTuber The Quartering before further details were shared by esports consultant Rod Breslau on Twitter, Breslau said that Apex Legends would be coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The rumored game will allegedly feature “classes/heroes with unique abilities, maximum of 60 players per server, maximum of 3 players per team (trios) to complement each other."

He goes on to say this this spinoff won’t actually feature any Titan mechs, and that like the first two Titanfall games, it will run on a modified version of Valve’s Source engine. He also claims micro-transactions and loot boxes for cosmetic items and in-game content will be executed similarly to how they’re done in Overwatch.

edit: lol don't post urls, jesus is tw broken or what?

test https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/02/02/rumored-free-to-play-titanfall-battle-royale-could-be-out-as-soon-as-monday?fbclid=IwAR1-p9cL1VRSlJVLNQIaKpJBaSajSJGwI-Pevd_f2RDvvgEb9dVC9nrtrBY

ok i guess don't post kotuku urls, they seem to break tw

and i also broke the title, should be Apex Legends durrrr
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"Johnson! How's that game coming along?"

"Great, we've been in development for almost 3 years now. Testing's looking good. Marketing says we're getting favorable feedback. Gonna be highly anticipated."

"Fine. Fine. Accounting called and they'd like you to add a battle royale mode."

"What? Why? It's not really designed for that sort of game play. Adding a new mode right now would set us back months and would feel half-assed to the gaming communities who will crucify us for it."

"Accounting says battle royale modes are where the money's at right now and we can expect to see a 2.3% increase in sales over a non battle royale game. It's gotta have battle royale."
you can tell when a game company is doomed when they add a marketing dept or HR dept... or any departments at all
You'd think these businesses would learn their lesson eventually.

League of Legends makes MOBAs popular (after DOTA sort of invented it)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own MOBAs, 99% of which die shortly after (DOTA 2 is a thing but that just makes it the 1%).

Hearthstone makes Online CCGs popular (MTG is a TCG and dropped the ball as they seemed more interested in keeping their physical TCG profits rolling)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own Online CCGs, 99% of which die shortly after (current attempts are MTG kind of trying to make their own now, Valve trying using DOTA IP, and Project Red trying using Witcher IP).

Fortnight makes Battle Royale popular (after PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds sort of invented it)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own Battle Royales, 99% of which die shortly after.

Usually someone sort of invents the genre, someone else takes that concept and improves it (and is usually the most popular in that genre from that point forward), and everyone else wastes a ton of money trying to chase that success. :weird:
modern online gamers still spend money on these shit games even with having prior knowledge that the games are going to suck. how many people are going to buy into anthem at release, only to bitch and moan that they have yet again been swindled into a pay to play game with a cash shop?

bright side is that this is probably the best time for single player games and couch/online coop games.
You'd think these businesses would learn their lesson eventually.

League of Legends makes MOBAs popular (after DOTA sort of invented it)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own MOBAs, 99% of which die shortly after (DOTA 2 is a thing but that just makes it the 1%).

Hearthstone makes Online CCGs popular (MTG is a TCG and dropped the ball as they seemed more interested in keeping their physical TCG profits rolling)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own Online CCGs, 99% of which die shortly after (current attempts are MTG kind of trying to make their own now, Valve trying using DOTA IP, and Project Red trying using Witcher IP).

Fortnight makes Battle Royale popular (after PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds sort of invented it)? Everyone loses their mind and makes their own Battle Royales, 99% of which die shortly after.

Usually someone sort of invents the genre, someone else takes that concept and improves it (and is usually the most popular in that genre from that point forward), and everyone else wastes a ton of money trying to chase that success. :weird:

my conclusion is that its not the businesses/startups that are the idiots, but the investors. and to make investors throw out $$$ said biz has to tell them the product will be full of the latest buzzwords.

the best games are those from the indies who put their own time/$ on the line. who know what makes a good game, not some VC shmuk with to much $$$ telling them otherwise.
It’s live - playapex.com

Lols like it’s squad class based and has respawn. Looks like they got rid of wall running so no skiing boooo.

Looks like what Tribes 2 was trying to do in some ways .
They took out wallrunning aka the only good thing about titanfall

Oh well thx for saving me a download
There is very little genuine creativity or innovation in the Game Industry. It's all about mass producing a copy of the current fad. It's a bunch of suits sitting around a table listening to predictions of the future and the next big money grab. Very few people want or even can start a new idea. No one can afford or is willing to take the risk, they want to play it safe and stick to what looks like a proven return on their investments. Someone else can pioneer a new idea and the rest will follow along behind, collecting what money they can.

It's just like everything else in the world. Movies, TV, Consumer Gadgets... The Games Industry pulls in more money than the Movie Business now and these companies are not in it for the "art" of making games, but of making money.

The creative types, your designers and engineers, that found your favorite properties and brands get pushed out and replaced by the bankers and bean counters in the fancy suits. Then what we love about the company, it's ethos and the games that come from that fades away in favor of raw profit margins and the bottom line.

Look at Blizzard... now pushing Diablo as a mobile phone game for the Chinese market while all of their core audience stands bewildered and confused... "But don't you all own phones?!".
Not sure why there is any comparison to Titanfall, except for IP recognition to attract marketing appeal.

It doesn't even follow the Titanfall visual style. It lacks the hallmark gameplay mechanics that identify Titanfall. it looks more like a clone of Overwatch and Brink.

I would never have guessed that this was in any way connected to Titanfall.
well there is kind of a lame version of skiing in the game....if you are going down a hill, you can 'slide' down it, but there doesn't appear to be a way to gain momentum.

i've played 2 matches and found it pretty fun. I like the squad / class dynamic - moreso than

the 2nd time i played, we got to the final 2....and then all these missiles came raining down on us...felt like a cod scorestreak, dunno what that was about.....someones ultimate maybe. wasn't a huge fan of that.
the 2nd time i played, we got to the final 2....and then all these missiles came raining down on us...felt like a cod scorestreak, dunno what that was about.....someones ultimate maybe. wasn't a huge fan of that.

Oooh sounds about as fun as tribes ascend