this whole forum is staged

Have you heard of the Kabuki dance?

Sent from *Magic Device* with TapaTalk 4.9.5
it is

I am Gmork the force behind the nothing


Atreyu say my name!!!!

Fuckin edgelording till we die. Peeops don't know cause they ain't us.

I fucking invented Trolling.

Fucking 4 chan ain't got shit on TW
i fear that sites like tw and 4chan have manifested a need for the trump.

troll on, america.
The fist will run
Grasp metal to gun
The spirit sings in crashing tones we gain the battle drum
Our cries will shrill the air will moan and crash into the dawn
The pen won't stay the demon's wings, the hour approaches
Pounding out the Devil's sermon
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