This thread is about Sleep Aids

Pubknight said:
I'll use Melatonin from time to time... it's non-prescription stuff.

Only problem is I have to take about triple the suggested dosage.

Melatonin rarely seemed to work for me. It's supposed to help prevent cancer though. :shrug: I really don't like taking anything I don't absolutely have to, so I've never taken ambien or Tylenol PM.
I use Unisom (the blue Viagra-looking pill, not the caplet - they're two different drugs). Works pretty well for me, but didn't help Inquis or my brother, and both were groggy the day after they tried it.

Alluna had to take twice the dose
Ambien worked well, but was realy expensive.

Over the counter

Sleepinal Max gells 3 or 4 would put me out in an hour or two
Nyquill 3 or 4 shots works well
Tylenol PM usless
Melatonin worse than usless

but i have found the best thing to get to sleep is​
