This required it's own thread. [obibun]

you're misunderstanding

I don't give a shit about what a bunch of sad, jealous losers have to say about me on the internet

whereas I do fully enjoy making fun of said sad jealous losers and rubbing it in their sad ugly sweaty noses

that's why these threads usually degenerate into me making fun of people until I get bored, leave or pass out

and sad jealous losers continuing the struggle and slapping eachother on the back for four pages congratulating themselves on a hilariously awkward "job well done"

ok, carry on then.
one sad thing, I guess, suppose even, is that I could never share half these hilarious nerd episodes with friends

because my friends are also cool and have sex with hot women all the time

if I told them what I was doing here they may well treat it as though I was kicking a bunch of puppies

hey man, that's not cool.. you shouldn't beat those sad losers while they're down. come on, you're better than that

except they don't understand how long these dumbshit puppies have been biting at my ankles and deserved a righteous kick

ah, life
this my chicken

looks good

I have broccoli in the fridge that I bought this morning, a shiny new rice cooker to use, and half a dozen curry paste packets and coconut milk

with that said I fucked out and bought two cheap already-seasoned chicken legs because I figured after a whole day of drinking I'd not want to do much else other than shove something in an oven, then hold it by the bone and gnaw at it
what does rice cooker do, that you can't do with just boiling water?

I'll be the first to admit I suck at making rice in a pot

I'm overly fussy, I touch it too much, I worry too much, add more water when I think I should despite the fact it doesn't really need it, and eventually it just turns out shitty

a rice cooker is just some water and rice and fuck off and hey great rice
I have to admit I am quickly losing interest in this thread slash this forum in general as I'm in a good phone txt conversation with a friend who wants advice on women

and of course being me I'm more than happy to long-windedly explain my entire take on the situation

so yeah

if I disappear don't wonder
what you perceive as weird is actually known as genuine fucking honesty and not giving a shit

90% of this forum hides behind a mask of who they are and what they do and they're always trying to lie and squeeze the truth and make themselves look better. that's the "norm" here

I am who I am

of course being awesome makes that easier

but on the whole I'm generally completely unconcerned about what a bunch of sad losers on an internet forum have to say

and considering their entire e-lives are built around half truths and cockmeasuring, defending the sad walls they've erected around their fake personality, trying to win hilariously pathetic e-points by saying "hey look how much you posted LOL', they may find it weird that someone comes in being normal, honest and genuinely not giving a shit at all

stand and be amazed, losers

You put way too much effort into telling us how awesome you are to not give a shit, and to that end, we can assume you're not being honest. Come back when you grow up and stop being 15 with something to prove.

Ibid: this post was sent while I was taking a shit at work.