this jill-whatever hostage chick

Half you fucks still live with your mothers and have never been out of your small towns. Don’t be so quick to judge, you have no idea what it is like to be in her shoe’s so don’t pretend to. She did know the risks, but she believe in what she doing and was willing to give her life for it. What about the solders out their giving their lives? Are the worthless pussies too? They made the choice to be there, and you know when they get their leg blown of they cry for their mothers too. Fucken pussies.
she's wearing the headscarf to blend in moron.

I personally cant say that i feel a lot of empathy for her. She's in a shitty situation right now, but she didn't have to be there. She works for the christian science monitor, a newspaper that has been known for its reporting on the middle east for years, they know full well the volatile situation in that area and what can happen by sending unarmed non-combatants into a full fledged hot zone.

That being said...she's not a soldier, she IS female that is possibly looking at a gruesome death...i'd say she's allowed to cry.

Anyone that is dumb enough to knowingly go into an active combat zone with no weapon is a moron
Tribalbob said:
I agree.

she chose to be there, it's not like the kidnapped her from a farm in kansas.

quit fucking crying, they've been taking hostages for like 3 years. you should have known the risk when you went.

Kelven said:
Half you fucks still live with your mothers and have never been out of your small towns. Don’t be so quick to judge, you have no idea what it is like to be in her shoe’s so don’t pretend to. She did know the risks, but she believe in what she doing and was willing to give her life for it. What about the solders out their giving their lives? Are the worthless pussies too? They made the choice to be there, and you know when they get their leg blown of they cry for their mothers too. Fucken pussies.

If you are over the age of 22 and live with your mother... I laugh :lol:
Tribalbob said:
that's because the united states is at a point right now where, even though there's not a draft, the military and the government are doing everything in their power to make enlisting seem not only like an reasonable choice, but the best choice.
It IS a reasonable and good choice. I sort of wish I'd gone military straight out of high school. Go in enlisted, do that for a couple years, go mustang, by the time you're 38 you've got at least a Bachelor's that the military paid for, but possibly a Master's too, can "retire" and get ~$50k/yr for the rest of your life. On top of that, you can go start another career.
BeLiaL said:
Yea, and it's also your choice to drive to work or wherever, so don't get pissy if someone hits your car and fucks it and/or you up. After all, it was your choice, and you knew that was a possibility.

Seriously, shut the fuck up.
this is such a laughably horrible analogy
i was in the Army for a few years and it really helped me out, but it isn't really anything i would want to do for 20 years.