This chick is pretty cute

She has great tits. I couldn't play that song in a million years. It doesn't help that the only time I play it is at 4am while drunk.

Btw, that 8 year old sucked. I could hear his fuckups.
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Yo so what's up with sports games. Idiots could be outside getting ready for training camp lolz.

Don't even get me started on those stupid ass vampire games. You know how many vampires need to be killed in the rural southwest lolz. Jackholes need to be contributin'.
This is Simon shaped as a guitar. I thought you needed to know how to play an actual guitar for this game. If anyone tells me they're 'good at guitar' because they play guitar hero, I'm going to punch them in the fucking face.
This is Simon shaped as a guitar. I thought you needed to know how to play an actual guitar for this game. If anyone tells me they're 'good at guitar' because they play guitar hero, I'm going to punch them in the fucking face.

Actually it's more like DDR with a guitar. And it's fun. This chick actually went to New York with 4 other GH competitors and got to play on stage with Gene Simmons. The winner got a sweet Gibson retrofitted with GH controls.

Vids here: | Calendar of Events - Guitar Heroes to Take on Gene Simmons

There was another chick there who is also pretty cute

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