Think a Conquest mode could end up being more popular than CTF?


Veteran X
With all these new modes, and the demand for conquest gameplay in recent FPS, I wonder if people still want to play CTF at all? I know Tribes' CTF is nothing like the other game's CTF. In Tribes the flag is basically a "Vehicle" for the movement and teamwork and the game feels nothing like your average CTF game. Still, I wonder if the new players (and possibly us) will end up wanting more or enjoing a subsequent conquest mod.

Makes you go.. hmmmmmmmmmmm. :disgust: :idear:
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more popular as in # of players sure. just as onslaught is more popular in ut2k4 (last i checked) but nobody with any intelligence / in the competitive community plays it.
TeckMan said:
more popular as in # of players sure. just as onslaught is more popular in ut2k4 (last i checked) but nobody with any intelligence / in the competitive community plays it.

What are you talking about? UT2K4 onslaught is one of the greatest multiplayer games ever, imo. Far better than every other mode in UT2K4. In fact, besides all the great mods, thats the only mode I play. CTF in UT2K4 is boring.. I like big open areas, etc. Thats why I'm wondering about what will happen in Tribes, since all the areas are open, CTF or not.
We had something like it, it was called C&H.
It rocked, but no one played it.

Forget all these silly fancy modes.
D&D is what T:V needs.
I'm all for something that has more depth, excitement and FUN. Whether it be Conquest, Fuel, Ball, Arena or YetToBeMentionedGameType.

It's hard to believe Ball, Arena or Fuel will dominate T:V servers, I think they'll find their niche behind CTF. A Conquest (a la BF) type could very well compete with CTF. Conquest (presumably) and CTF utilize all the offensive and defensive arsenal Tribes has to offer, that level of depth and excitement is what will keep players.

As you remove elements (Ball, Arena, Fuel) Tribes becomes stale (to me). They are great distractions when you can't find a good CTF/Conquest server or looking for a change of pace every once in while.

Depth, Depth, Depth.

Fuel will dominate the online gaming industry for years to come; Resulting in OPEC buying up tons of computer game companies and reducing the output of computer games to American countries in order to force the price of gamings shipping with Fuel gametypes up to 100$ a box.
Conquest gametypes are good for public servers with lots of player, different capture points splits up the action, you get a more laidback kind of game where your team might be doing bad on one front but good on another, it's more forgiving than CTF. 32 players in T:V CTF might be a spamfest, but in Territories it might be perfect. Who knows. I know right now I'm so used to BF42 (Forgotten Hope) and conquest that CTF seems quite silly. Capture the flag - why? :?
for tribes I doubt it. Tribes CTF has way way more depth than pansyctf in other games. Hey maybe we'll find out when the game comes out though :]