They are just like us!!!

So what exactly is it that makes the American negro such a scumbag, on the whole?

No - it's pretty much all of them. They behave the same here in Australia despite being only six months out of Africa. We open our doors to them, they shit on the step.
Maybe it's just the Sudanese? Maybe it's b/c they have been fed a diet of US television and rap/thug culture? IDK but fuck them all, fucking sub-Saharan sub-humans.
This is going to sound really bad, this I know but, it's the truth.

Back when the Jews were financing the slave trade and were directly responsible for the importation and sale of slaves/indentured servants to the America's, the slave owners were having an extremely difficult time with the Africans compared to the white indentured servants. 99% of the Africans have never seen something like a shovel or a tool and they were given this shit and were expected to get to work, not knowing wtf this thing is.

The landowners refused to purchase Africans because of the amount of training that was involved in getting these people up to par so, for a while, the Africans were left standing around while the whites were being picked up for top dollar. After a while, the Jews stopped bringing whites over for sale and the only people left were the Africans. The rest, as we say, is history.

whites were smart enough to stay away en masse from a place where there was a 50% chance to die within the first couple years. the religious zealots were the main dudes who didn't give a fuck because they had a 50% chance of being burned for heresy back home so fuck it.

most slaves weren't captured en masse but sold by the more successful rulers. the sahel and the region north of the jungles of the coast were pretty easy living so when some white dudes show up it was too easy for the ruling class to round them up and ship them out so they wouldn't be lazy agitants back home doing the bare minimum collecting some yams and bitching about not being kangz n shiet. no nation ever exports its productive citizens, although particularly back then due to blood feuds and religion they'd ship out some smart people. past the 1400s they essentially stopped evolving socially/technologically. their technology growth was also weak prior as they got some iron shit pretty fast but based on the demands of their society, it was all that was ever needed nor did they ever refine the process. no copper/steel etc. some it was resource driven but they never had the drive to advance cause they had what they felt they needed.

im reading a book about lewis and clark (focused on their expedition ofc) and their account of the pacific northwest natives entails the relative poverty that comes with having your base survival needs easily met - they were pantsless, loved to fuck, and didn't know anything about the area outside theirs nor cared to.

the ethnic densities in that area were also very similar to germany in that the wurtemburgers hated the prussians, the prussians the hannoverians, the hannoverians the bavarians etc., and all in a close area. while germany is unified now, there is still a clear prussian influence just as seen with all unifying elements because they were the most successful. serbia with yugoslavia, virginia in the USA (diluted via immigrants), muscovy in russia, etc. west africa never significantly unified due to being beyond diverse. at least a prussian can speak to a hannoverian living 100 miles away to trade and talk about technological developments, and rapidly learn the local terminology as there aren't many differences. across the niger river you could find a different people with different customs, language, religion, etc. not conducive towards technological/social diffusion. these tribes also tended to only kill ruling males and redistributing lower order males and every woman to work for you. huh sounds like the end goals of revolutionary communism.

ive always wondered how social scientists come to the conclusion that diversity is our strength when you can just go area by area and see wild failures of it. the new world nations are the only exceptions as when you're forced into a boat and have at least a common goal (make some moniez), you'll stick it out together. inherently brazil/usa etc. are going to be multicultural because multiple cultures bled for a land. doesn't mean there isn't nor shouldn't be a social hierarchy within. not too long ago my irish ancestors were beneath blacks - and make no mistake the ways the irish gained social rank in many places went against good order and discipline with regards to a constitutional nation. i think we can all agree no one should "rise up!" (in the social hierarchy) by literally being given it ---> it also makes no sense as that rank gained means another is displaced. that's the antithesis of any merit based system which every strong nation encourages.
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I have a hard time accepting that "niggers are just niggers".

Although... looking at much of Africa... I have an equally hard time coming up with a counterargument.
No - it's pretty much all of them. They behave the same here in Australia despite being only six months out of Africa. We open our doors to them, they shit on the step.
Maybe it's just the Sudanese? Maybe it's b/c they have been fed a diet of US television and rap/thug culture? IDK but fuck them all, fucking sub-Saharan sub-humans.

can you explain the abos to me

they're the one people i've never seen a redeeming quality from and im a positive guy who always tries to find the good in people and leveraging those skillsets. i dont think they have a skillset
Masai are cool people. Smart, productive, proud, just.

I agree that one of the biggest problems is white people showing up. Leave people alone. Let them do their thing. Many cultures were in balance. White missionaries showed up and started fucking with their heads.
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Masai are cool people. Smart, productive, proud, just.

I agree that one of the biggest problems is white people showing up. Leave people alone. Let them do their thing. Many cultures were in balance. White missionaries showed up and started fucking with their heads.


Jesuits and the sort fucked up a lot
Yeah guys.....they are just like us

White People are to blame

I mean Bill and hot sauce super predator "they all look alike" Hillary know black people

and what they want and need.

Seriously......give that video a whirl you want the blood to boil today
Yeah guys.....they are just like us

White People are to blame

Seriously......give that video a whirl you want the blood to boil today

wonder why the media doesnt report on this and indies pull shit from worldstar to see whats really going on

if there were all these clips of Whites doing this to Blacks, non stop headlines

just like our justice system lately

killing a white person isn't a crime

heckling a POC is approaching life imprisonment

Masai are cool people. Smart, productive, proud, just.

I agree that one of the biggest problems is white people showing up. Leave people alone. Let them do their thing. Many cultures were in balance. White missionaries showed up and started fucking with their heads.

i concur. basically the proud and conservative people who had shit we wanted under their ground were disenfranchised (from manipulation to extermination) and many of them were left with those who were willing to sacrifice principle to appease the new more powerful people. i spoke in a diff thread how the japs did it pretty well altho not without sacrifice, my grandpa killing a bunch of them in guadalcanal for example.

in the end we (western culture) have been a technologically progressive society since the 1500s and raw resources demand it, as well as...urban populations. jefferson's desire of an agrarian society while noble would have also been short sighted. navigating the inherent social evolution of people and the principles required to be strong is very delicate and why most empires violently collapse or at best, accept a slow descent into 2nd state power (the UK).

speaking of the brits, the proud nature of some people like the nepalese/sikhs/boers within the british empire was a late attempt to encourage some of the more conservative sects to rise back in prominence over areas sworn to the queen as they realized you can't have a bunch of pure yes men or men who are rulers but only by force to be in charge of your far flung territories. values erode with rapid information diffusion (new ruling classes/technologies) and the internet society we live in now enter your home and teach your kids vastly different ideas while you're sleeping. yeah books always did the same, but every click on the internet unleashes a new groundbreaking intellectual work and people don't fully synthesize information over night. it'd be like reading mein kampf, the communist manifesto, the turner diaries, and guns, germs, and steel in a month and pretending to be able to formulate a world view that actually works off of it. i do believe we have reached a point where the exponential technological curve is far too fast for us to keep up with. while im not a luddite, kasczynski wasn't completely off the mark. got a book on the luddites while christmas shopping, will report back in a few months whenever i pick that book off the reading pile.
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yes please and please do.....always enjoy your reviews

i spoke in a diff thread how the japs did it pretty well altho not without sacrifice, my grandpa killing a bunch of them in guadalcanal for example

dang man same here

mine was a pilot in that area during those battles

i even got his 1944 Smith & Wesson Victory .38 Navy issued revolver (not sure how)

values erode with rapid information diffusion (new ruling classes/technologies) and the internet society we live in now enter your home and teach your kids vastly different ideas while you're sleeping. yeah books always did the same, but every click on the internet unleashes a new groundbreaking intellectual work and people don't fully synthesize information over night. it'd be like reading mein kampf, the communist manifesto, the turner diaries, and guns, germs, and steel in a month and pretending to be able to formulate a world view that actually works off of it. i do believe we have reached a point where the exponential technological curve is far too fast for us to keep up with. while im not a luddite, kasczynski wasn't completely off the mark. got a book on the luddites while christmas shopping, will report back in a few months whenever i pick that book off the reading pile.

wow your grandpa stole from the government like the welfare queens today ;)

being a pilot then would have been absolute ass, especially if he wasn't in a corsair. i wouldn't want to be in a liasion aircraft cause if you bail out the japs would shoot them in their parachutes. the skies were certainly evenly matched at that time in the war.

fucking dope tho. cherish that well. my grandpa got fucking lucky. he was with one of the army infantry divisions there, generally pointman as he was a quick witted mountain man who had only done his first year in the mines before dec 7th so his body wasn't broke yet and he was peak strength. there were still the occasional highway man on the kentucky/wv border at that time so he carried and had to brandish at least once while walking somewhere. he caught malaria at the end of the battle and i forget the island his unit went to next but they suffered an even higher attrition rate. he was pretty pissed off about it but opened up to my aunt in his last couple years cause she did a lot of caretaking as well, the mines always break a person whether from the outside or from within. quite a bit different nowadays, not in the pickaxe and canary days.
wow your grandpa stole from the government like the welfare queens today ;)

yeah he did.......LMAO

he was like no take backs mudda fuckas

and given how things turned out today in the country he fought for but shits on him and his people I guess I really blame him


it was my wypeopo reperations....i da victim nahhhhhh mean

my grandpa got fucking lucky. he was with one of the army infantry divisions there, generally pointman as he was a quick witted mountain man who had only done his first year in the mines before dec 7th so his body wasn't broke yet and he was peak strength. there were still the occasional highway man on the kentucky/wv border at that time so he carried and had to brandish at least once while walking somewhere. he caught malaria at the end of the battle and i forget the island his unit went to next but they suffered an even higher attrition rate. he was pretty pissed off about it but opened up to my aunt in his last couple years cause she did a lot of caretaking as well, the mines always break a person whether from the outside or from within. quite a bit different nowadays, not in the pickaxe and canary days.

talk about actual hardship

hard to imagine this was just a few short generations ago

that this was what actual struggle and effort looked like

that this is what it took to survive, not thrive, and get ahead

so many important lessons can be learned from our ancestors.......their struggles their fights.......their experiences for us not to go back to hard times and not repeat parts of history unnecessarily

to not piss away all prosperity and achievement we should have made since their personal sacrifices

i really don't know how or why just having a basic discussion about any of this has become too much to ask these days from most people. maybe this is testament to just how broken and bad the family model has become. how little we know about anything anymore......even ourselves.
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The Japanese warlords sold their peasants to the Portuguese and Dutch during the civil war before the Tokogawa shogun took over in 1600. They went on to be quite sought after for their intelligence and work ethics, and in a few generations they blended into society. The warlords sold them for guns, armor, weapons and horses with which to attack each other.

In the 1860's 95% of the people in Russia were serfs, about half were owned by the imperial family and half were owned by nobles and rich people. There is a story about how a noble once traded 100,000 peasants for a jewel he saw at a court party. There were slave cities in Europe also, where people could be bought and sold, but these were mostly closed down or the practice was abolished during the renaissance and reformation.
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talk about actual hardship

hard to imagine this was just a few short generations ago

we had family at some of the coal field battles broken up by pinkertons in military gear augmented by national guard and us army air force aircraft.

not a single one of them didn't try to join the war and few stayed in the mines despite being protected as national defense key industry exempted from service.

if we had a pearl harbor type attack there would be faggots out there crying about how they can't serve a fascist dictatorship because they don't recognize their pronoun.

but the men who were bombed by the air force didn't back down cause they had the actual understanding and principle of knowing when to drop your quarrel with the feds.

great men lead to great times lead to weak men lead to weak times indeed.