there's no way this is a woman, right?

Brasstax said:
This was about 3 years ago. I made a thread about recruiting a bunch of women to TW so that we could have more drama. You said something like "No way. Dumbest idea ever. We don't need anymore drama around here." or something like that. I'll see if I can search it up but I don't know if the database goes back far enough anymore.

So you see, you hate women. But, you seem to like Twiggy. So, Twiggy must be a man. Or a shemale.
Okay, so you're remembering a comment from a thread three years ago, and trying to call me on an issue that might be completely irrelevant?

Like I said, I didn't know twiggy had any sort of history here and so I didn't see the reason to be constantly bitching at her. I still don't see the point even after knowing who she is, but whatever. I just can't get riled up over some chick posting crap on the internet. I mainly stick to the soccer threads and shit anyway.
twiggy is rapidly following the steps of gofishgirl

except instead of being too fat she's like something out of tales from the crypt