The Witcher 2

youre not swinging right. they dont do a tutorial but those early fights, you have to mouse whip with some talent. If you follow-up-click correctly, you can kill most anything with a single combo, if you miss your clicks they block/parry.

in groups, you have to watch for who the next guy to hit you is, if one guy is close and is about to swing, you need to swing at him next. you have some time as his animation is slow and you can see him get close. if two guys are about to swing at you at the same time, you roll. if two are about to swing and they are staggered and not simultaneous you can parry in between giving a blow to each.
again, the trick is to juggle them, hitting them right before they swing at you. and if you swing too early (you want to swing when their swing animation starts), or if you swing at the wrong guy when another is flanking you - youll get ruined.

the combat isnt garbage you just havent gotten used to it. you still need to roll frequently, but no need to spam it, and i dont quen anymore now that i know how to juggle. id rather have vigor regen up and parry the few blows i dont intterupt or roll away from.

This is one way to do it.

Or you can do this: Quen right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click win. This method got me through hard mode without breaking a sweat.
soo.. just finished it.. some comments after finishing it:

Skyrim 11/11/11

AI and some of the animations look really off so far, from the E3 video. They had the chance to really make it shine, but didn't even bother fixing the way the giant falls, or the part where you kill a guy with an arrow and his friend keeps standing there holding his cock.
soo.. just finished it.. some comments after finishing it:

You should play it again since there are 16 endings.
After watching the Gametrailers review there's something about the combat that reminds me of Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) and Demon's Souls.

If you go full sword combat is it similar? Both games required alot of block, block, slash, slash, roll, block, slash, slash. Is this at all similar?
This is one way to do it.

Or you can do this: Quen right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click right-click win. This method got me through hard mode without breaking a sweat.
Well I didn't go with upgrading Quen since I heard it was cheap, but even so this sounds a bit fishy. I doubt it will last long enough to hold up during a group fight, and simply spamming right click will get blocked most of the time, if not all if you're spamming it on a single enemy. At least that's how it is for me in hard :shrug:

I suppose you can wade carelessly into a fight with Quen, then roll out to reapply it, and repeat until everything is dead. If that's what you meant. I would think you'd want to avoid playing like this to get more out of the game though.
Well I didn't go with upgrading Quen since I heard it was cheap, but even so this sounds a bit fishy. I doubt it will last long enough to hold up during a group fight, and simply spamming right click will get blocked most of the time, if not all if you're spamming it on a single enemy. At least that's how it is for me in hard :shrug:

I suppose you can wade carelessly into a fight with Quen, then roll out to reapply it, and repeat until everything is dead. If that's what you meant. I would think you'd want to avoid playing like this to get more out of the game though.

Once you get all the quen upgrade and plus sign intensity talents, the Quen timer is just shy of three minutes. Everytime you get hit it will shock three nearby enemies and take seconds off the timer. Stronger hits take more seconds off. I would just wade into battle soaking up every hit while doing nothing but spamming right click. I would reapply quen when the timer dropped down to only 1 or 2 hits left. I would estimate 90% of fights would end with only 1 or 2 reapplications. I never had to used potions, bombs, or throwing weapons except for a couple of the bosses. This was on hard.

Edit: Yeah, it was ultra-boring. But by the time I realized how over powered it was I had already invested into the tree.
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looks like patch 1.2 is out, i can't dl it though.

Edit: nm... won't update if pirated DLC is installed. Patch includes all the dlc released up to date anyway.
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All DLC is free anyways. They even said before they released the patch that all of it was going to be included.
Flotsam was definitely the high point of the game for me, I was hoping Loc Muinne would be another long, peaceful town section.
Yea I was honestly a little disappointed. Flotsam was the only big town. The battlefield chapter 2 was pretty cool but I was expecting at least 4 full chapters.
There are not 16 real endingS, no way. I think they consider messing up a dialogue and getting killed an ending...