The Walking Dead season 8

I wonder if they got their production budget slashed again. It happened for the season where they were on the farm the entire time. That was dumb even for their standards. I assume that was supposed to be a normal firefight as they kind of showed at the end.
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Wait, there is a new SQUIDBILLIES!?!?!?
no cliffhanger, not surprised

It is really bad now, not just in a "We're TW and hate on everything" kind of way. My wife still loves it (which is weird because we usually agree on shows for the most part). I'm really just watching for the lols now.

I think 10 minutes of this weeks was just Rick staring off into space and looking serious.
It's never really been amazing, but now it seems like it's completely written by women and fags.

My god, have not single one of them ever fired a gun? They look like retards and aim like blind men.

It's excruciating. So many long scenes of nothing happening too.
If you want to take out an army that is much larger than yours, shoot out their 2nd story windows?

What was the point of that? In the zombie apocalypse, will destroying someone's windows defeat them? At first i thought maybe neegans 'army' was standing behind the windows.

There has to be some big offensive on neegans part. His forces weren't even around
I still don't understand if Neegan's army was supposed to be pinned down inside or not there at all? I think that it was just filmed terribly and on the cheap, but was supposed to be a gunfight. You never see any savior shooting back, but later on they show shots hitting the truck they use to blast through the gate (which why didn't they just start with that?).
this episode was especially terrible.

there were horrible cuts, they've gotten really lazy firearms...they don't animate any of them any more, the character's actions don't make sense, Rick is impervious to gunfire, and they won't stop doing pointless cuts to the past and stupid speeches

and since they refuse to kill any of the characters, all of which I hope die at this point, they kill the fucking tiger. fuckers.
wickedrealistickitten is a pretty cool gfy name, but it would've been better used on the tiger