The Terminator series has never had strong female lead characters...


Veteran XX
Out of Internet Trolls | IndieWire

Tim Miller Says ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Will ‘Scare the F*ck’ Out of Misogynistic Internet Trolls

Major movie franchises such as “Ghostbusters” and “Star Wars” have been targeted by misogynistic internet trolls in recent years for prominently featuring female characters in leading roles. James Cameron’s “Terminator” franchise has long been dominated by one of cinema’s greatest female characters, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), and the upcoming reboot “Terminator: Dark Fate” triples down on leading women by casting Hamilton opposite Mackenzie Davis and Natalia Reyes.

Trolls started bashing the film the minute Paramount debuted key art depicting all three women together. For director Tim Miller, that misogynistic backlash is meaningless.

Miller, who broke out in Hollywood after directing “Deadpool,” recently spoke with Variety ahead of bringing “Terminator: Dark Fate” to Comic-Con later this month. The filmmaker said Mackenzie’s cyborg character Grace will be enough to get misogynistic internet trolls shaking in their boots.



Pretty god damn sure this film is going to have a "look at all the American people crossing over into Mexico" joke/plot. (Escaping Skynet)
Miller's "film" is gonna flop hard and then Hollywood will quickly forget his name while actual fans of the Terminator franchise laugh their asses off.
Terminator films will continue to flop unless they recognize why they were popular to begin with. A sense of desperation. The films were not about badasses vs killer robot, they were about every day people who weren't special in any way, until they would become so in the future. They were out of their depth, helpless, scrounging for any means of survival when it was seemingly futile. Action scenes served that purpose, with the heroes escaping through luck, happenstance, or sheer determination. Not crazy, over-the-top stunts or CGI fests. Nobody gave a fuck about the lore or expanding the universe.

The very fact that they're advertising this movie as "group of female badasses" proves beyond all doubt that they still don't understand what made the first two films a hit, or don't care, and are making the same mistakes that will result in the same inevitable flop.
Terminator films will continue to flop unless they recognize why they were popular to begin with. A sense of desperation. The films were not about badasses vs killer robot, they were about every day people who weren't special in any way, until they would become so in the future. They were out of their depth, helpless, scrounging for any means of survival when it was seemingly futile. Action scenes served that purpose, with the heroes escaping through luck, happenstance, or sheer determination. Not crazy, over-the-top stunts or CGI fests. Nobody gave a fuck about the lore or expanding the universe.

The very fact that they're advertising this movie as "group of female badasses" proves beyond all doubt that they still don't understand what made the first two films a hit, or don't care, and are making the same mistakes that will result in the same inevitable flop.
I’d like to think they are just swinging for some of that sweet negative woke publicity given the trailer was such trash

But no they probably are just too stupid to understand why linking your film to ghostbusters 2016 is a bad idea.
the terminator series has never had a movie remotely worth watching since 1991

probably the worst movie franchise relative to name recognition / time it's lasted, only predator is even close

never seen anyone even try to justify salvation or genisens
I'd have to say these movies are basically like TV series. After 3-4 seasons (or movies), that's it, we get it. To keep this going, is just ruining it.
To me, it basically ended when they got stuck underground in that control room. What a sucky ending. They think they've found Skynet, but no. It's like most movies. Good V. Evil, a bunch of chase scenes, a bunch of people get killed, and you're right back where you started. Entertaining? Yes. But if you're trying to follow a plot, then it ended a few movies ago. They leave the ending up in the air so they can make another movie (35 years in the future).
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Terminator films will continue to flop unless they recognize why they were popular to begin with. A sense of desperation. The films were not about badasses vs killer robot, they were about every day people who weren't special in any way, until they would become so in the future. They were out of their depth, helpless, scrounging for any means of survival when it was seemingly futile. Action scenes served that purpose, with the heroes escaping through luck, happenstance, or sheer determination. Not crazy, over-the-top stunts or CGI fests. Nobody gave a fuck about the lore or expanding the universe.

The very fact that they're advertising this movie as "group of female badasses" proves beyond all doubt that they still don't understand what made the first two films a hit, or don't care, and are making the same mistakes that will result in the same inevitable flop.

Terminator 2 is the greatest film of all time! :)