The Scale of the Universe

but any planet with that contained a gold layer of protection around the atmosphere is no myth, its a planet that had to exist, since there is no way anyone would even guess at such a thing without first hand knowledge.

This is, quite possibly, the dumbest thing ever posted on TribalWar. You are in rarified air, sir ... rarified air.
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Throughout history, when humans have wanted to describe anything as superior, magical, fearsome, etc. it has been described as "golden". You ascribe this most common aggrandizement as proof positive that something exists. That, sir, is dumb beyond belief, even for a troll attempt.
"Throughout history," commonly refers to the period after the Golden Dome fell, and is the time period since Planet X and the Annunaki left this world. The Post Golden Dome era, or P.S.G, has seen a series of dark ages resulting from the subsequent hypobaric atmosphere and the worldwide spread of Jews, the offspring of the skeleton crew left behind by the Annunaki. Worldwide, Jews have been tasked with keeping mankind from rediscovering the secrets of long life, energy beams, and oblong shaped heads.
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yes I know, I first heard about the canopy theory from Carl Baugh around 15 years ago. Then I discovered some old books on the shelf about this theory from the 1950's, and it turns out the 'theory' goes back hundreds, even thousands of years.

ancient legends support the theory of a solid sky. A solid sky with a thin gold layer such as you'd find in astronaut visors


offers 99% protection from damaging effects of the sun, that cut our life down to around 100 years. This shielding was probably part of the crystalline superconductor which was connected to the earth at the poles and also acted as a solar cell, charging the earths magnetic field. I like to think it also provided communications and other services to people on earth.

According to the Sumerian legends, planet X had one until their planet suffered damage. To rebuild this shield, they needed raw materials from earth. Genesis 1 is a record of their mining operation.

if Sitchin is correct in his interpretations, they will be back within a couple hundred years or so to collect all the gold in our vaults.

The importance of gold even reaches people who believe *that there is a * crash landed ship on the moon which is said to contain a great quantity of gold. These people know nothing about the canopy theory and it seems to me few of them know about the sumerian legends.
