The Invasion of the Yellow Jackets and Poor Apartment Management


Veteran X
So around the 2nd week of October the bee's made an initial advance into my apartment. Attracted to light, and the sweet smell of my sweat and sugary trash they came in great numbers. Through the windows, through the vents, through the A/C utility closet in the kitchen. A ghastly horde of yellow jackets I doubt the lowly likes of any of you have seen. ARRRRR.

I picked up the phone and called the property manager. At first the call was taken with little vem. But after I got stung turning on my light at 530 in the morning she witnesses a storm of wrath and destruction not seen quite often. Needless to say in the past 3 weeks:
1) The Window has been recaucked
2) The Window has gotten a new screen.
3) The Vents have been fixed with a screen mesh ALL of them.
4) The Exterminator Came and "Took Care of the NEst"
He actually sprayed some kind of dust in there and then proceeded to plug up their entrance whch is aparantly the LAST thing you want to do. These little fuckers become even more voracious when you block their main entrance. Anyway its been about 2.5 weeks since the hole was plugged and the dust sprayed.
5) There are gaps in the vent system in the A/C utility closet. They came and duct taped them....And did a half assed job. The bees are still comming in.
6) The Exterminator Came again and Sprayed this dust in the A/C closet
absolutely no effect

It has now gotten fairly cold....This is supposed to kill the bees. But seeing as they are IN THE FUCKING CIELING where its INSULATED and with global warming and hasn't gotten cold enough in the beggining of November to kill thenest.

Anyway its cold enough that I needed to turn on the Heat today.

7) Bees are comming in the A/C intake vent now. And Appear to be comming in around the Vents that were Screen in.
8) The Worthless exterminator has been called again.
9) The dog got stung.
10) I asked the property manager to ask the landlord to give me a huge discount and get another apartment ready for us to move in.
I have a signed note saying they have done everything possible to fix the bee problem and that "It should be fixed now" this was after the exterminator came the second time. And that I would not be given any kind of discounted rent fee. They are trying to get a new apartment ready but Its going to take a bit of time.

So, What advice does anyone have?
Does anyone have any advice in dealing with shitty apartment and a landlord that does not want to work out a problem in a civil manner?
It seems like my only option is invoking some kind of higher authority. I am in medical school. I study 28 hours a day and have little time to deal with this shit. Let alone worry about having to worry about getting the law involved, and moving, and dealing with this nightmare.

I have checked my local renters laws and for the past 3 weeks my complex has been violating its requirement for proper health standards. If i was allergic to bees they would be fucked in the ass after the first time I got stung.

Anyway What do you all think?

1) I have a yellowjacket invasion in my apartment
2) Landlord has done alot of shit to try and fix it in 3 weeks with absolute fucking failure
3) Been living almost 4 weeks with a heavy bee infestation
4) Refuse to give me a discount.
5) What do I do. Any Advice?
a nest of yellow jackets can eat through duct tape. you need to bring some sort of legal shit in there to get them to hurry the fuck up.
I hear putting them on national television or in an otherwise high-pressure situation tends to lead to them not showing up

especially if it's against a little regarded team
Take care of the problem yourself and burn the apartment down that will teach the bees and the landlord.
Do you have access to the nest itself? I had a problem with them where they were somehow nesting underneath the frame of the front door, and a few managed to work their way inside the place such that I'd come downstairs in the morning and there would be one or two flying around in the living room. Plus, it was making it a bitch to come and go because there was always a shitload of them buzzing outside around the front door.

I went to the hardware store and bought this awesome wasp and hornet killer spray. This stuff is powerful enough to knock them down out of the air midflight and the stream has a range of like 20 feet so you can get them from a distance. If you have access to the nest, I would go up there at night time with a can of spray and spray the shit out of the nest. Then maybe wait 24hrs and hit it with the spray again the next night for good measure. At that point they should all be dead and you should be able to simply pick up the nest and toss it in the trash.

The last stuff I bought was this, but I had bought some other brand before that worked equally as well:

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use those yellow jacket traps outside your apartment.

open the pouch, pour in water to suggested level, throw away said bag with over 500 dead yellow jackets 2 weeks later

problem solved
I'm on the 3rd floor. The nest has to be gigantic.... You can't actually see the nest because its up inside the roof of the apartment complex. There is little to no ability to actually access the nest without removing part of the roof.

Its a really bad situation.
use the yellow jacket traps

keep buying more and using more till they all stop coming in your fucking apartment

i didn't know killing insects was such an ordeal

When you fail as often as we do, you have to find some humor in it


If you are looking for a yellow jacket trap, tell them they are playing duke, unc, or uva and they are due to play an undefeated team the next week

THEY'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING, especially if the other team hasn't won a conference game in years
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I would also get a can of spray anyway just for self defense. Honestly I was holy shit amazed at how well that stuff works. You could have one flying right at you, and even if you just barely get him with the spray, he will literally drop right out of the air midflight. I know it's hard to get to sleep when you've got those things buzzing around inside your house so the spray would at least give you some peace of mind. And it's fun to get them with that shit. I like to make machinegun noises when I spray, and say stuff like "main gun to pilot, bogey confirmed dead. another bogey spotted at 12 o'clock"... "roger that main gun, fire when ready"
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the traps don't work. They just attract the male drones. Its total bogus that it attracts the queen. She practically never leaves the nest. I'm not going to waste money on spray. They are attracted to my halogen light. They crawl on the wall and the shoe sole takes care of the rest.