The great classics...

man.. i'm gonna have to go and hire a whole lotta movies out this weekend.

Ladyhawke was wicked... Rutger Haur, right? I was quite little when I watched it, but i seem to recall a massive sword fight at the end with 2 knights just laying into each other with big broadswords...

lol @ Top Secret.. "Neek Rrrrivers!" :)
Kelven said:
there isn't much time to watch movies at uva. To busy having gay sex.

fuckit. lan parties are more than just gaming, like woodstock (the one that didn't suck) was more than just music.

besides, my comp wont run any games that other people would want to play :shrug:

not like you fatasses cant sit in the same chair staring at a screen for 2 hours anyway
at uva 4 I might have played a total of 6 hours. Rest just hung out and met people. Its a great time

o and gay sex
bring me the child!

what child?

the child with the power!

what power?

the power of voodoo!

who do?

you do!

do what?

bring me the child!