the dare situation currently

hey dare, are you posting from a canadian internet coffee shop or something?
hey havax were u encouraging dare to troll k8 and her sister in a chance that he could fuck both?

shame on u u texas misyongiyn

havax write dare a creed song about both having a dented head, and then dying in prison from getting hiv like tehvul gang raped and beaten

also be sure to include the canadian prussian blue @caro_ and k8 and the upcoming #officialinsemination from the canadian court system
dare was always a virus so idk y this is a surprise to anyone

when lowtax's dumb wife TG athena (from shifter_x homelan federation) stole dare's childhood pro gamer name GaTeWay (when he trolled losers pretending to be a hot raver chick) and then sucked at all competitive games and is possibly trans

that was nice dare forgave that

but 10 years later hes still being target by SA losers who profile him on okc before he even meets them

like lol k8 come on u dont think its gonna come out u fucked chump before u and i even spoke?

sighs, mate, youre a lost cause, right

why don't you fucking get a job and buy a house and be happy, right

I mean, you could still play tribe, right

so stop fucking around mate
so Dare has gone demented, his noggin got all dented
like when tehvul's ass gets rented, he just can't get it mended

k8 never ever meant this, it was just a sex thing
with all that trolling txting, now Dare's shit gets pushed in :(

in prison getting pozzed up, lowtax got him locked up
dude is coming unstuck, but I really couldn't give a fuck
dare i'm going to sue u 4 illegally publishing the source code of repocalypse even though it was definitely coded by opsayo for the record if rayn asks
this thread has words that I know and recognize however in their current arrangement they mean nothing