The Comedy Central "Flame Dennis Leary"

MaD_ReBeL said:
thats that good looking chick thats sometimes on colin's show right? if so i wanna fuck her so bad ... she is askin for it.
hell yeah, she's so hot. funny as hell, and has a mouth on her.. did you see her roast hef? funniest shit
god, sarah silverman is so fucking sexy / hilarious

she's like


too bad she's dating some guy named Jimmy

oh, really?

who the fuck would date that fat disgusting son of a bitch?


t;he dude is kinda funny

Just goggle'd it, yeah it's him. I assumed it was kimmel cause colin kept bagging on her that she's only dating him for the publicity. fallon i could see just cause he's actually attractive, but i dont think colin would bag on it
is it really kimmel?

christ, why woman?!?!

Hell, I would fuck jimmy FALLON


what possible redeeming qualities does that man have
Okay, I need this explained.

Why is Kimmel big now? Did he do a movie that I missed, or is there another reason he has his own show?

... and now how am I going to get my fix of adam corrola(sp?) now that they both left the man show? :(
i dunno, excel

some people thought kimmel was funny, gave him own show

corrowlla's eyebrows were too big to be the andy richter to kimmel's conan

it sucks

corolla was 10x the man kimmel would ever be
CapnPyro said:
Ugh, have you seen his stand up? 'Hey I know, Ill act stressed out and raise my voice alot seemingly at random. Yeah, that'll be funny.'

Have you seen his older stand up? He has another special, just a "Comedy Central Presents" one. I had never seen it before until they showed it right before the premiere of the roast. A lot calmer and a lot funnier.