The cheap computer market frustrates me.


Veteran X
I want to recomend computers to people that are made of quality stuff but aren't super fast so they don't waste money.

Even the shitty dells come with 2.6 gigahertz and guess what the computer is still shit, it has no ram and slow harddrives, and everything is intigrated.

To get a "good" computer these days you have to totally overbuy.

Why can't they just ship solid, part-interchangable computers with quality perpetuals and 800mhz p3s with 256 megs of ram. It's all anyone on the network I used to manage or any of my neighbors need.

I guess with all the spyware and adware floating around people need fast computers now. But thats the only reason.

Nothing like cleaning off someones old 233, steamlining the processes and running spybot to get it to run just as fast as some new dell.
Why can't they just ship solid, part-interchangable computers with quality perpetuals and 800mhz p3s with 256 ...
ya there's nothing like some good perpetuals.
-Striker- said:
Nothing like cleaning off someones old 233, steamlining the processes and running spybot to get it to run just as fast as some new dell.
i bet you steamline your processes like nobody's business.
bahahaha you guys are assholes. the moment i saw 'perpetual' i knew this would happen :lol:
Perpetualy Perplexed by the use of the word Perpetuals in this Post

(say it 5 times real fast)

god, I bring the funnay ;)
perpetual is a sexier word than peripheral, language should be about being sexy not meaning :)