tearing your acl

FortuneCookie said:
anyone ever tear their acl? I banged up my knee all season skiing, I only mention this to provide more info. A few days ago I was playing a pick-up football game and ran into someone while sprinting. I had a hard time getting up, couldn't continue playing without sharp pain in my left knee. I was able to walk on it, and have been walking on it for the past 4 days or so, but with slight pain. Just yesterday I felt my knee swelling up, and my left leg keeps getting tighter. I can't bend my knee anymore, except for very very limited motion. Today I could barely walk on it, it just keeps getting worse. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow, but could this be a possible torn acl? Anyone know the signs to watch out for? Should I ice it? take anti-inflammatory drugs? It's so uncomfortable that I have a hard time sleeping.

My friends plays football for stanford, he's torn both his ACL's. From what I saw of it, I really doubt you'd be in any condition to walk if you'd really torn your ACL.