[teams]New competition

lol, it has taken me and old_skul 4+ months for one song, but wait till you hear the end result. Which I am told by old_skul will be ready for release on Monday.
Regardless. How long does it take you to record 4 minutes of music?
It takes me a while. I need to get in the zone to be productive, and that requires a good chunk of time without distractions. I start off by coming up with a riff, then I build a drum track to go with it. After piecing parts together and laying down a good bed track I start layering and dialing in the sounds I want. I start mixing when I'm happy with it, and I like to take breaks in between mixes to give my ears a rest and hear it on different systems. Couple that with receiving parts from others over the net and having to mix those tracks in. I could slap together some lame techno or rap song in 4 minutes, but that's not my style.
i have an 11-track album sitting here unreleased and it probably won't be ready for another six months because a) i work 12 hour days and b) i have a girlfriend, ergo, a life beyond the computer screen

i have been picking at these songs for over a year