[Tattoos] UV Blacklight Ink


Veteran XV
Does anyone have any experience with this stuff? Seems interesting.

Tattoo Art > UV Blacklight Ink - Tattoo Artists.org

Impact Lab - Introducing the Blacklight Tattoo

Invisible ink: Black-light tattoos are lighting up local clubs, but are they safe? | StarNewsOnline.com | Star-News | Wilmington, NC


Blacklight reactive ink is a great way to have a tattoo that no one can see but under the blacklight or to add a little something special to trip out your friends.
Really how safe is Chameleon Blacklight Tattoo Ink?
Given its extensive testing of FDA approval, with absolutely no adverse reactions to it in over ten years, it is all in the proof, this ink is most likely the safest ink on the market.
Friend of mine got one of those a few years ago. Kinda cool I guess but it doesnt show up quite as vividly under the blacklight as those pics would have you believe.
I dont know just doesnt sound like a good idea. There may be a time when you dont want to glow in the dark. I mean think about it, you're banging some married chick at her house one night, the husband comes home early, you dive out the window into the darkness, but he's able to grab his rifle and get off a decent shot because he can track you by your mickey mouse tattoo trucking across his yard
err, you have to shine a blacklight on it for it to show up. So unless your mistress's husband has a blacklight scope on his rifle, you're safe.
ya never know. It may also be something you dont want in a bar. You know there are times you've been in a busy bar, and somehow attract the big biscuit headed ugly friend of a hot chick, or you are pulling wingman duty and you try to ditch the chick in the crowd. Well now, (atleast in most bars) she can pick you out from the rest of the guys with popped collars
I dont know just doesnt sound like a good idea. There may be a time when you dont want to glow in the dark. I mean think about it, you're banging some married chick at her house one night, the husband comes home early, you dive out the window into the darkness, but he's able to grab his rifle and get off a decent shot because he can track you by your mickey mouse tattoo trucking across his yard

great scenario..but the ink only glows under a black light bud.
ya never know. It may also be something you dont want in a bar. You know there are times you've been in a busy bar, and somehow attract the big biscuit headed ugly friend of a hot chick, or you are pulling wingman duty and you try to ditch the chick in the crowd. Well now, (atleast in most bars) she can pick you out from the rest of the guys with popped collars
Is that how your current girl found you?