Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina

i'd like to see the 18 USC 2257 papers on that site.

The guidelines for enforcing these laws (colloquially known as 2257 Regulations (CFR Part 75)), part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, require producers of sexually explicit material to attain proof of age for every model they shoot, and keep those records on hand.

OtisPAB said:

wtf :lol:

Anyway, I was warned of Katrina too...

I call it my early warning hurricane alert system version 7.5

Also known as the Weather Channel. (Or JoMO)
It is not the federal government's fault that rescue wasn't carried out quicker. Had the local and state governments actually been worth anything it would have never been a necessity for such a massive rescue operation. The fault for the entire disaster falls upon the shoulders of the Mayor, and Governor. Period. End Of Story.
Local gov't doesn't have a fraction of the resources necessary for anything that was needed.

That's too damn expensive.

It is why we pool everything into FEMA.
Tribalbob said:
kerry = nam, 3 purple hearts.
bush = texas national guard, with limited evidence as to whether he even showed up.

say what?

Kerry = Nam vet who came back and said american soldiers were war criminals

Pussy yes!
Lockup said:
Kerry = Nam vet who came back and said american soldiers were war criminals

Pussy yes!

bush = never fought in a war and is turning american soldiers into war criminals.
Kerosene31 said:
Local gov't doesn't have a fraction of the resources necessary for anything that was needed.
So you're telling me that Mayor Nagin didn't have the resources to carry out the MANDATORY evacuation? He had plenty of buses at his disposal. There was nowhere near a sufficient local strategy. Preparations that should have been made were not made by those responsible, the LOCAL and STATE governments. Not Washington. Stop trying to point at Bush when the disgraceful city of New Orleans is undeniably to blame for its own incompetence.

Don't get me wrong, I would never wish anything like this on any city, but the FACT is that the Feds are not responsible. FEMA is not a primary solution, it is an assitance organization.
Tribalbob said:
bush = never fought in a war and is turning american soldiers into war criminals.

This ought to be good. How is Bush turnign american soldiers into war criminals?
while there is nothing significantly new about these tapes because we already have a report of government wide incompetence regarding Katrina, it is unaffirming how characteristic it is of this administration to fuck off any information that doesn't directly affirm their priorities.
Lockup said:
This ought to be good. How is Bush turnign american soldiers into war criminals?

*cough* um, indirectly. by not giving executive order giving full exposure to the levels of abuses in various prison complexes used to store insurgents, and doing very little to stop it like putting in any safeguards to prevent it from happening, IE some level of non-US military oversight.

either way, bush is still a fucking pussy. I noticed he visited afghanistan last week but didn't bother to stop by iraq while he was over there.
Tribalbob said:
*cough* um, indirectly. by not giving executive order giving full exposure to the levels of abuses in various prison complexes used to store insurgents, and doing very little to stop it like putting in any safeguards to prevent it from happening, IE some level of non-US military oversight.

either way, bush is still a fucking pussy. I noticed he visited afghanistan last week but didn't bother to stop by iraq while he was over there.

If I am not mistaken there was some sort of non military oversight or at least personal in those prisons.

Even if there was not. No way you can expect him to know that those idiots were going to do that. I am sure shit like this has happened before and we are just more informed in this time period. But you certainly can't blame him for people who should have acted properly in the first place.

Yes the arugement for Bush being a pussy could be made. However he has visited Iraq before. He is the first president to step foot in Afghanistan though.
Tribalbob said:
kerry = nam, 3 purple hearts.
bush = texas national guard, with limited evidence as to whether he even showed up.

say what?

Of all of the people to defend your cause...


Kerosene31 said:
Local gov't doesn't have a fraction of the resources necessary for anything that was needed.

That's too damn expensive.

It is why we pool everything into FEMA.
You say that as if FEMA is a 1st response team, they are not.
It is the state and citys duty to notify and evacuate their people.
Not FEMA, Red Cross, national guard, or the Presidents.
The Discovery Times channel had a show on Katrina just the other day, and the local leaders looked like monkeys fucking footballs.
Every point of leadership failed, local and federal.
Even the media was clueless.The show i watched had recordings from ABC, and NPR from Tuesday stating how lucky N.O. was, and that it was not as bad as predicted.Those tards were on the ground, and had no idea what was going on.Of course by Wednesday everyone changed their story, and started pointing fingers.Meanwhile the governor was keeping FEMA, and Red Cross trucks full of supplies from going in to N.O..