[T2] Updates


Veteran X
made two scripts, decided to update my site to make sure everything was in order.

They are both gui changing scripts, that i find very simple as they gather a lot of information in one hud instead of scattering them around the screen.

I made TimHud for gathering most information (health/energy/objectives/ammo) and TimInv as an optional inventory hud.

They both use The default Tribes 2 gui elements as backgrounds, so you can easily skin them with Exogens guis or whatever.

Here's a screenie of them skinned with my blue gui.

edit: the timhud script has quite a few options that you can set in the cs file. I added some comments, it shouldt be too hard to figure out.
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k maybe just 1 request. Anyway you can put a line or somthang where at there you use your health without wasting any by using whne you dont need.