[T1 Update] z0dd_waypoints.cs


Veteran X
My ftp is shut down due to the fact that school is closed. I updated z0dd_waypoints.cs with the LT maps if anybody cares. Either completely replace your old file with the following code or take the snipet of code near the bottom for LT map pack and place at the bottom of your current file. As soon as my school turns on electricity I will put this up on a website.
// FILE:		z0dd_waypoints.cs
// VERSION:		1.1
// DATE:		1/15/2001
// AUTHOR:		Paul "z0dd" Paella
// EMAIL:		[email]z0dd@adelphia.net[/email]
// WEBPAGE:		[url]http://home.adelphia.net/~z0dd/[/url]
//	This script allows you to cycle through predfine WPs with a single
//	key bind. There's a key bind that allows you change which WPs are
//      included in the cycling. The three settings are "friendly", "enemy"
//      and all "friendly and enemy and neutral" waypoints.
//	Each map has a different set of WPs. The "Cycle Key" is used to
//	change your current WP. Pressing the Cycle Key while at the last WP
//	will bring you back to the first WP. Thus, the name "Cycle" key.
//	The default WPs for this script are the ones I use. You may want to
//	change which WPs are used on each map. The defaults are EXTREMELY
//	limited and are what I feel are the important WPs on each map. 
// 	This script is configured by editing the areas labeled:
//	read through the entire INSTALLATION and USER CONFIGURATION
//	sections before running this script. Editing the WP CONFIGURATION
//	SECTION is optional.
//	At the bottom of this is data for almost all of the WPs you would
//	to set on every OGL CTF map. By default, Most of these aren't used.
//	You can edit the WP CONFIGURATION SECTION to set which WPs are used.
//	Refer to the WP CONFIGURATION SECTION at the bottom of this script
//	for instructions on how this is done.
// Version history:
//	1.1	- I learned how to spell Obfuscation!!!  Obfuscation will
//		  now be recognized as a valid map and the waypoint data
//		  has been corrected.
//	This script doesn't require and won't conflict with presto pack.
//	Put z0dd_waypoints.cs into your:
//		...\tribes\config
// 	directory.
//	Insert this line into your autoexec.cs:
//	exec("z0dd_waypoints.cs");
//	Edit the key binds in the USER CONFIGURATION SECTION before
//	running this script. 
// 	Thanks to Rayn for letting me use the WP data from his script.
//	He saved me much work.

//////////////////////// USER CONFIGURATION SECTION ////////////////////////
// ------------------------ waypoints config area -------------------------
// The key to cycle FORWARD through the waypoints.
// The default key is "g"
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "g", TO, "z0ddWPs::nextWP(1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "g", TO, "");

// The key to cycle BACKWARDS through the waypoints.
// The default key is "j"
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "q", TO, "z0ddWPs::nextWP(-1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "q", TO, "");

// This key selects which waypoints are cycled through when pressing the WP
// The default key is "control g"
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "g", TO, "z0ddWPs::cycleFilter();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, control, "g", TO, "");
////////////////////// END USER CONFIGURATION SECTION //////////////////////

///////////////////////////// START CODE AREA //////////////////////////////
// index into array of WPs within a mapname.
$z0ddWPs::WPindex = 0;
$z0ddWPs::WPfilter = 1;  // 1=ALL, 2=OURS, 3=ENEMY

// Add a WP to the data set
//   mapName: This is the value of the server global $servermission
//   x: the x coordinate of map WP
//   y: the x coordinate of map WP
//   side: 0=BE, 1=DS, 2=niether
//   msgStr: A item type string. Use the "$z0ddWPs::???Str" variables
function z0ddWPs::addWP(%mapName, %x, %y, %side, %msgStr)
	%n = $z0ddWPs::data[%mapName, n]++;
	$z0ddWPs::data[%mapName, %n, side] = %side;
	$z0ddWPs::data[%mapName, %n, x] = %x;
	$z0ddWPs::data[%mapName, %n, y] = %y;
	$z0ddWPs::data[%mapName, %n, str] = %msgStr;

// controls how long msgs are displayed
function z0ddWPs::TurnOffCP()
		Client::centerPrint("", 1);

function z0ddWPs::cycleIndex(%current_index, %cycle_val)
	%i = %current_index + %cycle_val;
	if(%i < 1) 
		%i = $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, n];
	else if (%i > $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, n])
		%i = 1;		
	return %i;

// Find the next WP to target depending on which WP filter option is on
function z0ddWPs::getNextFilteredWPIndex(%cycle_val)
	// cycle to next WP within this map
	// %newIndex = (($z0ddWPs::WPindex % $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, n]) + 1);

	%newIndex = z0ddWPs::cycleIndex($z0ddWPs::WPindex, %cycle_val);

	// if filter isnt set to display ALL WPs find the next, filtered, WP index
	if($z0ddWPs::WPfilter != 1)
		// if we're only looking for friendly WPs
		if($z0ddWPs::WPfilter == 2)
			%nextTargetSideNum = Client::getTeam(getManagerId());
		else  // else we're only looking for enemy WPs
			%nextTargetSideNum = !(Client::getTeam(getManagerId()));

		while (%nextTargetSideNum != $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, %newIndex, side])
			%newIndex = z0ddWPs::cycleIndex(%newindex, %cycle_val);
	return %newIndex;

function z0ddWPs::mapNotInDataSet()
	// map is in the data set
	if($z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, n])
		return 0;	

	Client::centerPrint("<jc>\"" @ $servermission @ "\" not in data set.\nWPs not set.", 1);
	schedule("z0ddWPs::TurnOffCP();", 3);
	return 1;

// A key bind calls this function. Cycles to the next valid WP
function z0ddWPs::nextWP(%cycle_val)
	// if this map isn't in the data set

	$z0ddWPs::WPindex = z0ddWPs::getNextFilteredWPIndex(%cycle_val);

//	echo("=== z0ddWPs::WPindex=" @ z0ddWPs::WPindex);  // debug
//	echo("=== z0ddWPs::data[servermission, z0ddWPs::WPindex, side]=" @ $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, side]);  // debug
//	echo("=== z0ddWPs::data[servermission, z0ddWPs::WPindex, str]=" @ $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, str]);  // debug
	// 2 represents item isn't bound to a side; it's neutral
	if(2 == $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, side])
		%teamStr = "";	
	else if(Client::getTeam(getManagerId()) == $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, side])
		%teamStr = "Our ";
		%teamStr = "Enemy ";

	remoteEval(2048, "issueCommand", 1, "WP = " @ %teamStr @ $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, str],
	           $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, x],
	           $z0ddWPs::data[$servermission, $z0ddWPs::WPindex, y],

// A key bind calls this function. Cycles the 3 filter modes: ALL, OURS, ENEMY
// 1="ALL" 2="OURS" 3="ENEMY"
function z0ddWPs::cycleFilter()
	if($z0ddWPs::WPfilter == 1)
		$z0ddWPs::WPfilter = 2;
		Client::centerPrint("<jc>WPs Displayed:\nOURS", 1);
	else if($z0ddWPs::WPfilter == 2)
		$z0ddWPs::WPfilter = 3;
		Client::centerPrint("<jc>WPs Displayed:\nENEMY", 1);
		$z0ddWPs::WPfilter = 1;
		Client::centerPrint("<jc>WPs Displayed:\nALL", 1);
	schedule("z0ddWPs::TurnOffCP();", 2);	

// Display strings
$z0ddWPs::BaseStr 	= "base";
$z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr	= "flag stand";
$z0ddWPs::RTStr		= "rocket turret";
$z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr	= "ELF turret";
$z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr	= "plasma turret";
$z0ddWPs::MortarTurStr	= "mortar turret";
$z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr	= "pulse sensor";
$z0ddWPs::RepPackStr	= "repair pack";
$z0ddWPs::EPackStr	= "energy pack";
$z0ddWPs::ELFGunStr	= "ELF gun";
$z0ddWPs::PlasmaGunStr	= "plasma gun";
$z0ddWPs::LaserRifleStr	= "laser rifle";
$z0ddWPs::GenStr	= "generator";
$z0ddWPs::SolarStr	= "solar panel";
$z0ddWPs::InvStr	= "inventory station";
$z0ddWPs::VehPadStr	= "vehicle pad";
$z0ddWPs::TowerStr	= "tower";
$z0ddWPs::SwitchStr	= "switch";
// Number strings to identify multiple items of same type
$z0ddWPs::OneStr	= " 1";
$z0ddWPs::TwoStr	= " 2";
$z0ddWPs::ThreeStr	= " 3";
// Compass direction strings to identify multiple items of same type
$z0ddWPs::NorthStr	= "north";
$z0ddWPs::SouthStr	= "south";
$z0ddWPs::EastStr	= "east";
$z0ddWPs::WestStr	= "west";

// WP data. Order is:
//   Map String: This is the value of the server global $servermission
//   x coord: the x coordinate of map WP
//   y coord: the x coordinate of map WP
//   side #: 0=BE, 1=DS, 2=niether
//   target discription string: A item type string. Use the "$z0ddWPs::???Str" variables
////////////////////////////// END CODE AREA ///////////////////////////////

///////////////////////// WP CONFIGURATION SECTION /////////////////////////
// How to edit this section:
// Each line is a WP. By looking at the last or second last variable it should
// be obvious what item the WP is (flag stand, RT, base, ELF turret, etc..)
// Lines that have // in front of them are NOT included in the WP cycling.
// Remove the // at the begingin of a line to include that WP for that map.
// Add a // to the begining of a line to exclude that WP for that map.
// Remember, by default most of these WPs aren't included because I prefer
// to only cycle the WPs I feel are essential for that map.
// If you feel really ambitious, you can add your own WP lines. You'll have
// to figure out how on your own.

// Acrophobia
z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 698, 800, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 597, 692, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 699, 801, 0, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 691, 793, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 701, 807, 0, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 686, 797, 0, $z0ddWPs::GenStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 703, 814, 0, $z0ddWPs::GenStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 475, 756, 0, $z0ddWPs::InvStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 678, 779, 0, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 327, 225, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 428, 332, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 324, 222, 1, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 333, 231, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 323, 217, 1, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 338, 227, 1, $z0ddWPs::GenStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 321, 210, 1, $z0ddWPs::GenStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 292, 388, 1, $z0ddWPs::InvStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Acrophobia", 346, 244, 1, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);

// AvalancheMkII
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 885, 664, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 879, 728, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 884, 684, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 886, 638, 0, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 887, 660, 0, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 141, 361, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 145, 297, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 140, 339, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 138, 386, 1, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("AvalancheMkII", 139, 361, 1, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);

// CanyonCrusade_deluxe
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 736, 464, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 893, 672, 0, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 806, 592, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 810, 640, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 267, 464, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 106, 657, 1, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 205, 572, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe", 197, 613, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// CanyonCrusade_deluxe
// This entry is for 5150 servers. 5150 servers have 2 CC-dlx entries. The
// 2nd one has a space at the end of the $servermission name.
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 736, 464, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 893, 672, 0, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 806, 592, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 810, 640, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 267, 464, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 106, 657, 1, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 205, 572, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusade_deluxe ", 197, 613, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// Cloak Of Night
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 829, 825, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 840, 836, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 916, 702, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 836, 841, 0, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 845, 832, 0, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 827, 822, 0, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 824, 817, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 831, 817, 0, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 194, 198, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 184, 188, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 109, 322, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 189, 183, 1, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 179, 193, 1, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 198, 203, 1, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 200, 206, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("CloakOfNight", 193, 207, 1, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);

// Dangerous Crossing
z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossing", 800, 750, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossing", 860, 863, 0, $z0ddWPs::InvStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossing", 421, 288, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossing", 471, 159, 1, $z0ddWPs::InvStr);

// Desert Of Death
z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 389, 196, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 359, 405, 0, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 537, 327, 0, $z0ddWPs::EastStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 319, 245, 0, $z0ddWPs::WestStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 371, 883, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 392, 699, 1, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 492, 775, 1, $z0ddWPs::EastStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 142, 773, 1, $z0ddWPs::WestStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 195, 433, 2, $z0ddWPs::ELFGunStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 449, 517, 2, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaGunStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 441, 511, 2, $z0ddWPs::LaserRifleStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Desert_Of_Death", 589, 591, 2, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// Domino
z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 295, 735, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 256, 226, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 291, 715, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 726, 287, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 768, 797, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Domino", 732, 309, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// IceRidge
z0ddWPs::addWP("IceRidge", 599, 212, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceRidge", 437, 430, 0, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("IceRidge", 345, 787, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceRidge", 533, 719, 1, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);

// Jagged Claw
z0ddWPs::addWP("JaggedClaw", 635, 250, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("JaggedClaw", 413, 255, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("JaggedClaw", 297, 756, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("JaggedClaw", 520, 754, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);

// Northern Lights
z0ddWPs::addWP("NorthernLights", 483, 260, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("NorthernLights", 492, 253, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("NorthernLights", 540, 764, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("NorthernLights", 532, 771, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// Obfuscation
z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 202, 876, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 283, 836, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 283, 836, 0, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 300, 908, 0, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 203, 786, 0, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 208, 883, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 834, 201, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 752, 241, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 752, 241, 1, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 734, 172, 1, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 821, 284, 1, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Obfuscation", 827, 196, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);

// IceDagger
z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 222, 233, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 222, 267, 0, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 222, 200, 0, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 218, 231, 0, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 808, 786, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 808, 820, 1, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 808, 753, 1, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 813, 789, 1, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("IceDagger", 584, 487, 2, $z0ddWPs::SwitchStr);

// MidnightMayhem_deluxe
z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe", 124, 510, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe", 217, 374, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe", 886, 491, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe", 798, 619, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);

// MidnightMayhem_deluxe
// This entry is for 5150 servers. 5150 servers have 2 MM-dlx entries. The
// 2nd one has a space at the end of the $servermission name.
z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe ", 124, 510, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe ", 217, 374, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe ", 886, 491, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("MidnightMayhem_deluxe ", 798, 619, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);

// Raindance
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 534, 133, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 577, 138, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 458, 263, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 532, 329, 0, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 428, 819, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 386, 844, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 460, 675, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Raindance", 460, 555, 1, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);

// Reliquary
z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 634, 190, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 811, 126, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 553, 111, 0, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 476, 265, 0, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 631, 211, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 616, 196, 0, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 705, 36,  0, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 391, 834, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 214, 898, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 471, 912, 1, $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 543, 757, 1, $z0ddWPs::PulseSenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 393, 813, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 408, 825, 1, $z0ddWPs::GenStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Reliquary", 319, 988, 1, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);

// Rollercoaster
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 595, 874, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 488, 902, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 587, 874, 0, $z0ddWPs::SolarStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 604, 869, 0, $z0ddWPs::SolarStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 601, 886, 0, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 484, 126, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 382, 168, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 491, 119, 1, $z0ddWPs::SolarStr, $z0ddWPs::OneStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 473, 127, 1, $z0ddWPs::SolarStr, $z0ddWPs::TwoStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Rollercoaster", 492, 134, 1, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);

// SideWinder
z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 154, 459, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 200, 518, 0, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 229, 350, 0, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 149, 397, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 154, 375, 0, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 851, 628, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 785, 739, 1, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 806, 569, 1, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::PlasmaTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 856, 691, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SideWinder", 851, 712, 1, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);

// Simoom
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 121, 553, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 233, 603, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 124, 550, 0, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 239, 599, 0, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 189, 489, 0, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 188, 467, 0, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 107, 639, 0, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 902, 470, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 791, 421, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 900, 473, 1, $z0ddWPs::RTStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 786, 426, 1, $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 836, 535, 1, $z0ddWPs::RepPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 837, 557, 1, $z0ddWPs::EPackStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("Simoom", 915, 381, 1, $z0ddWPs::VehPadStr);

// Snowblind
z0ddWPs::addWP("Snowblind", 194, 502, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Snowblind", 445, 681, 0, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Snowblind", 862, 607, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Snowblind", 515, 418, 1, $z0ddWPs::TowerStr);

// SpinCycle
z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 505, 853, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 520, 834, 0, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ $z0ddWPs::EastStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 492, 872, 0, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ $z0ddWPs::WestStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 508, 203, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 527, 186, 1, $z0ddWPs::SouthStr @ $z0ddWPs::EastStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 488, 218, 1, $z0ddWPs::NorthStr @ $z0ddWPs::WestStr @ " " @ $z0ddWPs::ELFTurStr);
//z0ddWPs::addWP("SpinCycle", 463, 521, 2, $z0ddWPs::SwitchStr);

// Stonehenge
z0ddWPs::addWP("Stonehenge", 230, 244, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Stonehenge", 814, 735, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);

// Added for the ReZurection CTF Map Pack by Kallysto

// DeadlyValley
z0ddWPs::addWP("DeadlyValley", 869, 479, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DeadlyValley", 211, 465, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DeadlyValley", 873, 470, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DeadlyValley", 212, 456, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);

// DesertNights
z0ddWPs::addWP("DesertNights", 441, 772, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DesertNights", 352, 266, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);

// StoneDust
z0ddWPs::addWP("StoneDust", 403, 498, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("StoneDust", 776, 486, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);

// MistyLinks
z0ddWPs::addWP("MistyLinks", 410, 779, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("MistyLinks", 650, 380, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);

// Antarcticspell
z0ddWPs::addWP("AntarcticSpell", 399, 785, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("AntarcticSpell", 253, 256, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("AntarcticSpell", 482, 743, 0, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("AntarcticSpell", 359, 235, 1, $z0ddWPs::BaseStr);

// QuickSand
z0ddWPs::addWP("QuickSand", 539, 780, 0, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("QuickSand", 530, 257, 1, $z0ddWPs::FlagStandStr);

// Added for the OpenCall2 Map Pack by Superslug
// Last updated 7-15-02

// Bastard Forge
z0ddWPs::addWP("Bastard_Forge", 377, 297, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Bastard_Forge", 606, 718, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Control
z0ddWPS::addWP("Control", 808, 750, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPS::addWP("Control", 162, 203, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Integration
z0ddWPs::addWP("Integration", 847, 353, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Integration", 228, 546, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Hildebrand
z0ddWPs::addWP("Hildebrand", 488, 259, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Hildebrand", 445, 751, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Runout
z0ddWPs::addWP("Runout", 879, 736, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Runout", 134, 289, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// StarFall
z0ddWPs::addWP("StarFall", 556, 251, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("StarFall", 554, 764, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Tesseract
z0ddWPs::addWP("Tesseract", 512, 907, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Tesseract", 512, 109, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Sand_Pits
z0ddWPs::addWP("Sand_Pits", 341, 299, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Sand_Pits", 758, 714, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Bastard Forge Day
// Added 8-23-02
z0ddWPs::addWP("Bastard_Forge_Day", 376, 298, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("Bastard_Forge_Day", 606, 718, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// Added for the LT Map Pack by SuperSlug
// Added 1-5-03

// DangerousCrossingLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossingLT", 800, 750, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("DangerousCrossingLT", 421, 288, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// HildebrandLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("HildebrandLT", 491, 259, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("HildebrandLT", 443, 751, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// raindanceLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("raindanceLT", 575, 138, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("raindanceLT", 387, 843, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// SimoomLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("SimoomLT", 233, 603, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("SimoomLT", 791, 421, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// BlastsideLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("BlastsideLT", 654, 521, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("BlastsideLT", 361, 510, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// BroadsideLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("BroadsideLT", 646, 521, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("BroadsideLT", 369, 507, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);

// CanyonCrusadeLT
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusadeLT", 805, 593, 0, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
z0ddWPs::addWP("CanyonCrusadeLT", 216, 572, 1, $z0ddWPS::FlagStandStr);
MassMedia said:
are there anymore comprehensive waypoint maps? or is zodd the best?

Evita has one and so does Rayn (Warpoints). I actually used warpoints to get the new locations. I have no clue how else to get the new points without the WET Tool :/