[T1] Update Error


Veteran XV
Just downloaded T1. When I try running the patch, I get this message. Any ideas?

Can't run 16-but Windows program
"Cannot find file E:\Games\Tribes\tribes181to111.exe (or one of its components). Check to ensure the patch and filename are correct and that all reguired libaries are available."
I think you have the wrong patch. Start tribes and look in the lower left hand corner then get the patch that goes from to the newest one.

Edit: Maybe it is confused that the tribes.exe is not in dynamix/tribes? Try running the patch from the folder the tribes.exe is in. Why is windows complaining about the patch itself and not tribes.exe? That error is confusing as hell ;/.
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EFesBEE: i think the install soft uses 16-bit and he either removed it with nlite or something else..