T:V Suicide Punishment

Why are you people still arguing? Isn't it obvious by.. PAGE 15... that neither side is getting anywhere? Don't you have better things to discuss? Obviously not.. just let this damn thread die, or go back to the topic at hand.

Though I got an aswer for that already.. Suicide may suck, but there's no better solution that we can think of.

btw, I thought you made some good points there red_hex. Except for the whole "some people need to be beat up" bit. ;)
Fool said:
Exactly. The whole point of a game if you ask me is excitement. To me, it's not exciting for one skilled player to take out 6 skilled players because of a game balance shifted so drastically towards defense. It's not exciting to spend 30 minutes on a map in order to secure a 0-0 tie game. It's not exciting to sit there and rocket one person with 4 other defenders (well it is at first but it quickly grows boring).

See, I'm almost exactly opposite than you. I loved that a base was hard to penetrate. I loved the 12o/4d maps. I loved being tied 0-0 late in the match. To me a 1-0 win is more exciting than a 7-6 win. I loved being tied late in to a match and scratching and clawing your way to their base trying to get a good grab and while doing so dynamically adjusting your strats to find a weakness. I loved risking pulling more D forward to try to win but risk losing because you left the base unprotected. I found the O/D split in T2 much more exciting since more went on at each base. Sure it was a bitch to cap, but that made it a challenge.

However, not everyone played this way. Many teams would rather turtle and go to OT than risk a loss and that sucked big time. The inherent flaw was any team could prevent a cap if they really wanted to. A 4o/12d layout on T2 was pretty much impenetrable.

If you want to compare it to sports, since everyone keeps calling it a sport, the worlds most popular sport is a large field, with a lot of players, and low scoring.

My hoped for T:V is that it has both styles. Small, quick, open flag matches, and then some slower, large, bigbase defenses maps too. Neither way is wrong, it's an opinion, but I think it add to team skill levels to be able to master both styles during a match.
so am i, to an extent

sojourn, ill just include you in with zoolooman

zooloo: the only sections of your reply that i saw as being pertinent to what i was actually saying, rather than the way i said it and the threats and insults you percieved in it (you did percieve them, i freely admit i have an undiplomatic posting style, but it is just a style... or lack of, if you like) ill reply to, the rest... you can save and read to keep yourself warm on cold nights or something.

from my "real truth and real answers" quote onwards;

like sojourn, youre implying that tribes is somehow a game seperate from other games, that its judged and PLAYED on a different level. that when a tribes game is in the offing, a whole subset of players who love it and the fighting sport play will appear and play it. to a degree that will happen, like any other game, as former non-online players try it online and like it. but mostly AS FAR AS I KNOW and as far as is proven by the stats, which i have watched for years, the number of online gamesplayers grows quite slowly, and when games come out that prove successful online, rather than generating their own new audience, they suck it away from the other popular games. ie theres only so much to go around, by and large. and what i am saying, which has not missed ANYTHING anyone has said and is a bona fide comment on my part in full receipt of other peoples input here, is tribes competes with those popular games for online players. it will create many itself. but the bulk, going off my experience of this (and so, if you like, my opinion - ill just say, disprove it if you can) will come FROM THE OTHER GAMES. so whether it is different or not does not matter at all, it is judged on the same level as all the others. and i would even maintain that, with the evidence in front of you on configs' stats of what sort of games the popular games are - whatever you contest they are, fast , slow, it doesnt matter - you can see what it is the majority of online players like, and it aint much like tribes (given theyre all fps's and you run round shooting people and sometimes taking flags). thats a matter of opinion too, you just cant escape it. many people here agree with that though, since much of this thread, let alone the rest of the history of these boards, has been taken up with exemplifying tribes and denigrating those other games and, simply, differentiating the two. so i feel fairly secure saying it. if im wrong as you probably believe, then it comes down to the next bit;

you said,

"As I have shown above, the theme of the game isn't as important as the engagement it gives the player. Along these lines, the market is much more evenly divided then you would have us believe."

can you guess what that is? opinion. on which we differ. you havent shown anything, youve explained very clearly your opinion. which i understand but dont agree with. you think, along those lines, the market is evenly divided. i think the market is not evenly divided, and a) looking at the server stats now and b) considering the stats in the past, the preponderance of games very unlike tribes and very non-fighting sport in play, proves it for me. it doesnt prove it for you, because you dont agree with my assessment of those games, and judge them on your own scale.

here weve got to agree to disagree, because you wont convince me your way, and i wont convince you mine. thats not closed mindedness. i hear and understand what youre saying, but i think im more right, and theres no scientific facts out there to stop me or you in our tracks. but look; im not telling you you should believe me too. its only me. thats the good side of opinion. its not a dirty word, its just a lot of people misuse it.

finally, whilst i shouldnt care to hear stupid insults from stupid people, i measure you to be someone to pay more attention to. so i dont like being told who or what i am by anyone, let alone strangers on the intarweb. you said you wouldnt be belligerent, but that just means you insult me calmly, and id prefer a little feeling, in the long run.

i never said t:v would sell in any way good or bad, i never complained about the direction anyone is taking, i never said anyone had offended me, and i dont like armchair psychologists. i said i believed personally that if t:v didnt fit certain templates - i didnt say it was doing so, i said if - then the public would not like it as much as if it did, which since i have appraised you of my belief in what the public likes, you will understand me saying.

i LIKE fast tribes. i LIKE fighting sports. i will play t:v whatever it is like. i was talking about my perception of the public, not me. not at any point did i whinge. please do not confuse me with the rabid conservative players here, in other threads ive bashed them. in fact please dont confuse me with any strong personal feelings regarding tribes, see my member status and low postrate/count. i joined in anticipation of t:v, thats all. i have no agenda to pursue.

and double finally, if mainstream gaming media are hardcore players whose good opinion it does not do to lose by lack of competetive play, then why is it that every review in every gaming magazine anywhere of tribes games misses the points entirely and are regarded by tribes players as poorly representative of tribes? and that goes doubly for gaming websites like gamespy and ign and gamespot. do they ever get it at all right? maybe you think they do, i dont really mind but i hear a lot of stick about them, and apparently, those media folks whose opinions shape a games profile are anything but hardcore.

edit: this is my attempt to resolve our differences, since youre such a formal chap, and doesnt require a reply picking it apart. go ahead if you want, but unless theres something in it that isnt inflammatory or accusatory and also avoids flogging a dead horse, i wont make one back. i judge those attributes myself, they dont sell machines for it yet.
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lol where did my thread go?

Anyway, the 2 second spawn is long enough, just make it so if you suicide you spawn in a random spawn sphere. Blam, instant balance.
because of randomness? balance because of randomness?

that doesn't balance shit. It just makes the game frustrating and stupid.

Lightning in T2 was the same way.

Randomness is BAD
Cedar said:
because of randomness? balance because of randomness?

Randomness is BAD

But a suicide with a random spawn choice IS balanced. IF you suicide, you're bound for a random spawn, therefore it is YOUR fault, not the randomness.

Stop with the "Randomness is bad, KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT NOW!!!" reflex flail.

I'll just quote KP.

There is a respawn delay for CTF, just like there was for T1 and T2. The respawn delay in T:V for CTF is currently 2 seconds (about the same as it was in T1...it passes by very quickly).

We decided to embrace the concept of suicides rather than fight it. It's an effective strategy in a fast-paced game that's about movement and positioning. By "embrace" I mean the way T:V currently works is that you press a key to force your own respawn. Doing so brings up your respawn menu. Your respawn menu allows you to quickly choose a respawn area (if there are multiple respawn areas). You choose your last respawn area by simply pressing fire, or you can choose a new respawn area by pressing a number key. Fast, easy. You'll have the option of selecting your area from a map.

The same respawn menu appears when someone kills you, and the same respawn delay is imposed regardless.

Understood, however, some randomness is not necessarily a bad thing. If the "Randomness is bad" people get loose TOO often games will devolve into chess, where there IS no randomness, and everyone who plays knows pretty much what you're trying to do by the third move.

Not knocking chess, that "outthink your opponent" style is good, it just doesn't work in the frame of a reflex/skill based game such as Tribes.
I'm not at all convinced suiciding is a bad thing, so yes spawning in a random location is BAD.

The system KP described is perfect in my eyes.
Examples of the situations I see forced-own-respawn (aka suicide) as a bad thing:

HO has just expended his last mortar in a base populated entirely by mediums (ie raped) instead of staying to fight it out, he respawns, only to arrive seconds after the defense has finished repairing the gens. With a full load of mortars and lots of other toys.
Suicide => Increased HO pressure.

HoF gets fried, cap imminent (in ~3-4 seconds..), designated people suicide and respawn at home, chainwhoring anything that moves near the flag.
Suicide => Increased Defense at the drop of a hat.

I'm not saying that either of these is gamebreaking. However, with some kind of suicide punishment, both situations that suicide is "good" for would generate more work, therefore be harder to accomplish over and over and over and over...

Harder = more challenging => more good.
yeah either of your examples can be said for the people playing defense or offense against the positions in your example

so what you said is absolutely useless

in a game where your flag can be halfway across the map in 5 seconds, longer respawn times for the D (or O) are completely retarded
Ragnafrak said:
in a game where your flag can be halfway across the map in 5 seconds, longer respawn times for the D (or O) are completely retarded

Please take note, that only if they SUICIDE does the punishment come into effect.

If they stand up and take a disc to the head, they spawn as normal.

Suicide isn't supposed to be a handy option to use because you screwed the fuck up, or an easy route home. It's a last ditch option to be used ONLY as a last resort.

Just because it's fair for both sides right now, doesn't mean it's right.
There is a 2 second universal wait (in CTF) for deaths. This includes normal deaths and suicides. I think that suiciding in connjunction with being able to pick your spawn sphere is a bit too leniant towards the defense. If you suicide, you should spawn in a random location in your team's spawn spheres. This would discourage suiciding while not really being a punishment in the classic sense. You would still spawn as quickly as everyone else, but you may not necessarily spawn at your flag where you wanted to be.
I REALLY hate the idea that you be punished for any self-kill. That's assinine. Killing yourself in the game should be a valid way to take out enemies. (Mortars are a huge example that comes to mind - sometimes it is worth throwing a mortar that you know will take you out too.)
Still, blowing yourself away with a mortar isn't exactly "efficient use of ammo". Better to blow the other guy away and not take any damage. I'd like to think that there are people out there skilled enough (I know because I've seen them play) to drop motars and get around corners before they blow.

Perhaps IF you take someone out with the same shot, you get a freebie on the spawn choice?