[T:V] Post pics of the maps you are working on...

is anyone doing a Scarabrae port yet? :D i know its not that popular, but it'd be cool to play in T:V. nice and big.
pyrot3chnic said:
Looking good pr24..

destroyer, how's CC going? can we expect beta soon?

BE side is pretty much done, including terrain on that side...

I started imperial last night, gotta do the 2 imperial specific bases, and then lighting, and then terrain shazbot... i've been pretty busy this morning and will be leaving in an hour and will be gone for the rest of the day...

I expect to get alot done tomorrow... i dont have anything going on. expect a beta possibly sunday afternoon/night...
Wow, the spread of the map seems fine to me. The Z does seem a bit on the large side, but I don't know. We've had a lot of smaller maps, might be nice to have something Isle-like.
Those hills are lookin a little tall to me compared with the original BB. I'd say maybe 80% of that height would look more accurate but that isn't necessarily better...
Sorry but I dont want to see old structures in this new game.

T:V is set years before the original Tribes and the new bases created for T:V look bloody awesome. Would it not be better to create new structures using the new look designs as a basis, instead of recycling designs from OLD games?

Look to the future, not to the past!
map request -

I want a map that has a large terrain with deep ski valleys (like highlands)

but the bases are far apart, and HIGH up in the air (there can be a couple platform floats that "step" up to it) I want to see bases seriously high up, so that if you walked off without jetting you would die when you hit the ground

also optional -

the map would be arrayed like this

b1 ------ t1
t2 ------ b2

2 bases, and 2 terroritories instead of having rovers, all at corners
I've started on a tiny CTF map with low but smooth hills to allow for players to build speed. As well as floating bases at T1 style altitudes.


Looking at the Blood Eagle base.


Viewing the Children of the Phoenix base from the BE flag.

Players will spawn near their flag, while the enemy base and sensor is near the flag.

It's overall an experiment map to see if an action packed map can be made using an odd arrangement like that.

Right now I just need to drop in the inventories, flags, and make the teams then functional. I'm also debating having fuel as a game mode for the map.