T:V and RAM - will more make much of a difference?


Veteran X
System Specs:

Athlon 900
384 MBs of SDRAM
Radeon 9800 Pro (128)

Yes.. I know.. I need to upgrade.. but beleive it or not.. I do get good gameplay on servers with <100 pings in 1280x1024 (there is no difference in FPS if I drop to 1024x768, and even a decrease in FPS when I am in 800x600 - wierd I know.)

How much of a difference will adding an additional 512 MBs of SDRAM make? I know my system is CPU limited, but will adding more RAM help any?
The most noticeable and annoying problem you'll have is waiting centuries for maps to load.

If you can tolerate that, you shouldn't be too bothered by anything else. But it is really aggravating knowing people are playing on a new map already while you're still loading.

I'd suggest upgrading to a gig. RAM is cheap.

Basically, the difference between 512 (and even less in your case) and 1 gig is night and day.
Ya.. I can grab a 512 MB SDRAM for $179 CDN.. so I'll pick it up probably.. but I wanted to know if T:V will get any better performance with the upgrade...
for new engines like unreal, 512 ram is really needed... especially if you dont have a great cpu and perhaps have an older vid card.

it will help a lot.

unreal engine tends to be heavy on the gpu and memory needs, less so that cpu.