T:V and Frank Herbert's Dune

Is it just me or does there seem to be some similiarites between T:V and Dune? I'm not saying the entire game or anything, just these two examples:

Blood Eagle architecture (the harsh, jagged looking, RED) and House Harkonnen architecture.

The T:V Gunboat and House Attreidies omnithopters.

For the 'thopters and the H.Harkonnen, i was using what was shown in the SciFi's channel's Dune and Children of Dune.
Dune is sick, saw the new movies the other day... But yeah... sadly enough, all we have is a little pistol, a knife and a fat floating man who wears an antigravity thing. Not enough to base a mod off...
But where is Shaihulud?

edit: It's ornithopter, not omnithopter

The Eagle crescent is also the Atreides family symbol (or maybe it was a hawk).
hmm, google gave me this... cant remember in the movie tho...

Hawk = Atreides.

And if you read the entire series there are REAMS of material from which to develop a good MOD. In fact the more I think about it, the more it seems a real shame no one has done a top-notch DUNE mod yet. With all the DUNE FPS failures littering the landscape I'll bet a mod team would be just the group to make that franchise work on the FPS battlefield.
There is huge amounts of detail in the series, yes, but how exactly are we intended to fit a prescient being into an FPS :p
Rev. Night said:
Is it just me or does there seem to be some similiarites between T:V and Dune? I'm not saying the entire game or anything, just these two examples:

Blood Eagle architecture (the harsh, jagged looking, RED) and House Harkonnen architecture.

The T:V Gunboat and House Attreidies omnithopters.

For the 'thopters and the H.Harkonnen, i was using what was shown in the SciFi's channel's Dune and Children of Dune.
The ornithopters were really only described as "any aircraft capable of sustaining wing-beat flight in the mannar of birds" so it could look like anything with flapping wings. To that point, the gunship in T:V does not have flapping wings, and the ornithopters in the Dune series had moving wings but not flapping.
The House Harkonnen structures were not described in the books, but the planet was described as being void of plant life. Both the movie and the series had to make up what the structures looked like, and they both look completely different from eachother.

A single player mod might be good with the Dune series, I can see several plots for a FPS mod, although there would be quite a few cutscenes. Muliplayer might be a little more difficult, seeing as there are four sides to the conflict (Imperial, Atreides, Harkkonen and Freemen) all with their own style of fighting and weapons. Would be one hell of a project :)
ConfigSys.boy said:
Hawk = Atreides.

And if you read the entire series there are REAMS of material from which to develop a good MOD. In fact the more I think about it, the more it seems a real shame no one has done a top-notch DUNE mod yet. With all the DUNE FPS failures littering the landscape I'll bet a mod team would be just the group to make that franchise work on the FPS battlefield.
That would be an interesting mod. It's been a long time since a Dune game came out. You could probably make a good MMORPG out of it. Though it'd be interesting when to set it it. In the pre-Muadib times where you could play the role of a Fremen, a Sardukar, a Bene Gesserit, etc (this is the period most people are familiar with). Personally, I want to be an honored matre and have sex with everything I see :browsmile:

If you haven't read the whole series, I suggest you do. I'm about 1/3 of the way through Chapterhouse. If God Emperor bores you to tears like me, don't worry, because Heretics of Dune (the next book) rocks and Chapterhouse is looking to be the same.
Yogi said:
Personally, I want to be an honored matre and have sex with everything I see :browsmile:

The Honored Matre's are post-Scattering, which occured after (I think) the death of Leto II. So its not pre-Muad'Dib in this case :>
-crap- said:
The Honored Matre's are post-Scattering, which occured after (I think) the death of Leto II. So its not pre-Muad'Dib in this case :>
Yes, they are post Scattering (or Seeking as the Honored Matres called it).