SWTOR closed beta invites going out

of course faction changes will be available.

for the low price of $25 each time.

player ships are basically like player housing.
Best thing I've heard about SWTOR so far is that the planets will be fucking HUGE.

Read somewhere that the smallest zones will be the starting planets and even they will be roughly half the size of an entire WoW continent, and that they will all be seamless. Glad the game isn't going to have that total instanced feel of WAR or other games.

Then again, if everything in the game takes place in an instance that you don't even need to travel to like WoW they can still fall into that trap.

Was really worried since they want "dozens" of planets that they'd all be the size of 1-2 WoW zones.

Then again, could have heard wrong ;)
What's the deal with player ships?

I saw the E3 video about them, but prior to that I'd never heard ANYTHING about ships for this game. What's up with that?

All they have confirmed is that each class has its own player ship and that apparently it will be like a hub where you can interact with your companions similar to the Normandy in ME2. They've haven't confirmed or denied that there will be actual space content.

Also what sort of alternative could you have to the 2 faction system? Every class picks its own side based on its light/dark balance? That would be a huge problem because each class has its own personal quest line similar in length and scope to the original KOTOR and how would Bioware handle a player switching sides at any random point in the story? As it is they've already got like 8 different KOTOR games rolled into one here, if you had to make even more diverging paths in every class's story so players could switch sides at any point you're going to have a game so huge its literally never going to be released.
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All they have confirmed is that each class has its own player ship and that apparently it will be like a hub where you can interact with your companions similar to the Normandy in ME2. They've haven't confirmed or denied that there will be actual space content.

I did manage to find one interview from E3 that mentioned they were doing something with space similar to the galaxy map in Mass Effect. Not as awesome as I'd hoped, but still pretty cool.
The force/lightsaber classes look like they were designed to appeal to prepubescent boys.
All they have confirmed is that each class has its own player ship and that apparently it will be like a hub where you can interact with your companions similar to the Normandy in ME2. They've haven't confirmed or denied that there will be actual space content.

Also what sort of alternative could you have to the 2 faction system? Every class picks its own side based on its light/dark balance? That would be a huge problem because each class has its own personal quest line similar in length and scope to the original KOTOR and how would Bioware handle a player switching sides at any random point in the story? As it is they've already got like 8 different KOTOR games rolled into one here, if you had to make even more diverging paths in every class's story so players could switch sides at any point you're going to have a game so huge its literally never going to be released.
I don't think I suggested a system that allows you to switch sides at any point; I just suggested not having faction determined at character creation and maybe having more than 2 factions. Hell, even having 3-4 factions would be better than 2...say you want to join the Hutts as a BH or something. They could still craft a great story with that.

It doesn't even necessarily have to be done using the light/dark meter; it could simply be a crucial decision at some point in the story (BioWare wants story decisions to matter--what better way to do this?) where the character could choose to join the Sith, join the Republic, or remain neutral. That's only 3 diverging paths per class, and if they started with that idea it would have been absolutely feasible.

I already conceded that given the way BioWare likes to make their games, it'd simply be much EASIER to make a two-faction system. I'm not at all suggesting that they could implement something different at this point. Personally if I want an engaging storyline, I'll play a singleplayer BioWare game, so I disagree completely with the philosophy of making an MMO story-driven. But even with an engaging story, it could be done--and probably better than locking people into one thing. They can say choice matters all they want, but at the end of the day only your first choice (which faction to play) carries real weight.

What's wrong with making that choice later in the game?
It would be really cool if they'd keep the class ties together for normal questing/pve type stuff, but use the Light Side/Dark Side decisions to determine who you could group with for some PvP missions.

Might be a little weird story wise to have a "good" Sith teaming with Jedi while still using Dark Side powers (although that may already be handled in a Sith's personal storyline), but for all the non-Jedi classes, it would be cool to let your moral decisions determine who you get to PvP with in some fashion.
can I be a wookie in this game?
Only a few races confirmed, and unfortunately wookiee isn't one of them yet :(

I think they said something about only making humanoid races playable, so far they have Chiss Twi'Lek, some other random one, and Human.

Wookiee wouldn't seem too far-fetched but I'd be surprised if they have them given the classes...I'm sure there will be some companion characters that are Wookiees.

I just hope they have Zabrak.

I also have a feeling class/race restrictions will be ridiculously heavy.
Also what sort of alternative could you have to the 2 faction system? Every class picks its own side based on its light/dark balance? That would be a huge problem because each class has its own personal quest line similar in length and scope to the original KOTOR and how would Bioware handle a player switching sides at any random point in the story? As it is they've already got like 8 different KOTOR games rolled into one here, if you had to make even more diverging paths in every class's story so players could switch sides at any point you're going to have a game so huge its literally never going to be released.

I prefer the EQ system where everyone can interact regardless of faction... which would be like orcs trading and grouping with humans in wow... but humans would be able to walk into the orc city if they killed enough human NPCs etc

EQ wasn't pvp heavy though which causes a problem... but for WoW whats wrong with an evil human/dwarf grouping and raiding with horde and killing alliance? All you'd have to do to change sides would be to put in a shit-ton of time factioning (In EQ factioning for quests etc. could take from hours to weeks depending how much you needed to change)