Swapping out Sleepy Joe last second?

How's this
They've had four years to prepare
weaken the U$A, install a bunch of protective D.C. laws
flooded the nation with illegals
create a close election
but let Trump win
and try to disrupt w/chaos
and thwart anything he does
lawfare that will extend into his presidency with the help of
never Trumper RINOs
Because nations influence each other...
Honestly that post by Cael was one of the most ignorant things I’ve read this weekend.
How about hitler? Should we have cared about him?
Xi Jinping?
Rishi Sunak?
Ali Khamenei?
Are these figures unimportant?
As a Canadian is the leader of our closest ally, only neighbour, and largest trading partner important?
Imagine being 60 years old and having your student loans forgiven since you were unable to pay your bills with your degree.
Imagine following someone around on the internet to the point you make sure of the exact latitude and longitude of his photos.

In the meantime, I'll happily go on knowing that IF there ever is another LAN event, I am free to attend, and secure in the knowledge that if I do, I'll leave still fully ambulatory.
Not everyone in this thread can say that.

59 is more than a year away. You would think a creepy stalker would be aware of that.