Suggest a book thread, #45187

Finski said:
I'm wanting to read a new book, and I can't think of one. I just finished Catch-22 and would like to read something similar, not necessarily a military book, but an important piece of literature that everyone should read. Something fairly recent, too. I struggled like a bastard to get all the way through Dante's Inferno, don't want to go that route again.

It can be fiction or non-fiction, I don't care, ad long as it's the type of book that will draw you in and keep you reading. Also, no Tom Clancy-type shit. I would like something thought provoking.


Uh, most Tom Clancy books are very well written, so I think it's your issue if it doesn't provoke thoughts, not the author's.

I'd recommend either The Count of Monte Cristo or David Copperfield, those are my two favorite books atm.
Anything by Dan Brown, for a 21-23 yr old tragedy any Brett Easton Ellis books, Enders game for a great sci-fi. Just finished Robert Ludlums Bourne Supremecy and that was great also.
euph said:
the Carlos Castaneda series is pretty cool. checkout The Teaching of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castaneda.
These are great. I started collecting them in the 80-ies and had about 10 of them. The Eagle's Gift was the last one I bought. Unfortunately I gave them away when I needed more space in my bookcase. Wall space is, alas, limited.
Finski said:

<EDIT> I keep hearing about the Davinci it really that good, or just over-hyped?
I have just started the Da Vinci Code and so far I don't like it better than Angels and Demons. They are, in fact, quite similar.
Akela said:
I have just started the Da Vinci Code and so far I don't like it better than Angels and Demons. They are, in fact, quite similar.

i thought the davinci code was kind of like a sequel to angel and demons, but not really
KungFu_HotFries said:
I just started The DaVinci Code, not bad so far. Also reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.
The early Vampire Chronicles are nice. Later on I get the feeling that the author writes the stories half-asleep and spices them up with sex to make them sell better. However, Memnoch the Devil is very nice and Servant of the Bones (not part of the chronicles) is very good.
Neutrino said:
Uh, most Tom Clancy books are very well written, so I think it's your issue if it doesn't provoke thoughts, not the author's.

I'd recommend either The Count of Monte Cristo or David Copperfield, those are my two favorite books atm.
While Tom Clancy books are well written, his style may not suit most readers. I find he tends to over explain situations and really draw them out. Which is how i found Rainbow Six and Clear and Present Danger. If thats for you, thats fantastic, its just that it may not be for others.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
While Tom Clancy books are well written, his style may not suit most readers. I find he tends to over explain situations and really draw them out. Which is how i found Rainbow Six and Clear and Present Danger. If thats for you, thats fantastic, its just that it may not be for others.

I'd agree with that, just saying they are well written and thoughtful, not just your general bland pop fiction. ;)
Dan Simmons - Hyperion and its sequel but not the 3rd/4th book. Sci-fi, but you could use the term philosophy, too.

I'm reading Lovecrafts novelettes as we speak..
If you want to read a book that can really change your life, read the auto-biography of Benjamin Franklin. It's small and very powerful. It's a great book.
If you're into non-fiction, and specifically WWI, read Barbara Tuchman's Guns of August. It's an excellently researched and written piece of literature detailing the first 30 days of world war one.
kyuss said:
thats right, its kind of a 4 part series that ends with children of the mind, but then splits into some weird parallel with enders shadow and goes from there.

Speaker for the Dead onwards follow Ender and his sister with new characters and its really ... psychological.

Ender's Shadow onwards follows the rest of Ender's army from battle school and the events that follow the war, as countries come back into power and Ender's brother Peter kind of takes over the world.