Stupidest Things that have Happened in WoW

Sabin Figaro

Veteran XV
There are those times where shit happens and you just roll your eyes in disgust as you run back to your corpse. I was just curious as to what really stupid things have happened to you guys.

My example happened today in Dustwallow Marsh with my 38 warlock:

I was doing a quest which involved Tabetha in Dustwallow summoning a 40 elite demon that I had to kill. The first time I was fighting it and had to fear it because it was doing way too much damage, and it pulled a spider. So now I'm fighting a 38 spider and a 40 elite demon with a 38 lock. I managed to kill the demon, but apparently you have to talk to Tabetha right after or the quest fails. So I had to to it again.

The second time I fight it, again resort to fearing it, and it trains fucking dreadmire, the 45 rare crocodile in Dustwallow. 45 + 40 elite against a 38 lock = instadeath.
Stupid shit happens all the time man. I have a 45 priest and I get pissed off by people's stupidity all the time.

People always leave instances in the middle

Mages always overnuke

Rogues think theyre tanks

Warriors never use sunder or taunt or a 1h/shield

Paladins always bless me with Might or Kings

People roll on shit for their alts

Being a priest I could go on forever about crap. But I wont.
When 4 of the 5 people in a group think the 2handing paladin will tank.

When a warrior at level 48 has NO plate armor becuase he didnt want to waste gold on such a minor upgade.

When rogues REFUSE to assist the tanks and think they'll go off and solo a mob.

and it may be rare to see it at all, but when paladins hit you outta nowhere with divine intervention on another simple pull.

and the tards that won't give it up and throw a fit whenever you call need on some random world blue or epic that drops.
Blizzard constantly changing the raid encounters every teusday so you can never acctualy learn the encounter and be able to reliably beat it.
ya bud my main is a priest... god people can be really dumb. The best is the rogue that goes off and solos a guy, dies, then sends you a tell "dude wtf didnt you heal me"
Ah, the joys of Priesthood.

I'm chilling in the back lines of AV, spamming heals on my warrior who is in a zerg of Alliance, and this Shaman is jumping around in front of me spamming "/say heal me" constantly. I told him to go away because my warrior was more important and he starts telling me off in whispers about how my class must not be any fun, blah blah blah...I /ignored his ass and let him fend for himself.
You know, doing PUG's with my main wasn't a big deal. Most everyone knew their class and hardly left in the middle of an instance. Now on my alt, I'm lucky if I can find someone that knows their class and stays for the whole instance. Every warrior tanks with a 2h in battle stance and while I know some tanks that can tank with 2h's, none of them were level 40 at the time. Last time I was trying to do uldaman, our warrior just blew ass. To make a point, the druid, the paladin, and even my pet tanked 3 pulls to show him just how much he sucked at holding aggro. Sometimes I just want to reach through the screen and stab people in the neck.
C-wAVe said:
When rogues REFUSE to assist the tanks and think they'll go off and solo a mob.
A rogue (or a hunter using mark preferably) should be the main assist not a warrior. A warrior has to constantly switch targets in order to hold aggro on everything. If there are two mobs and you're focusing on one the warrior still has to attack the one that isn't being focused on. Reason for this is whenever a healer heals someone it generates aggro from all mobs that you're currently in combat with. A warrior focusing on just one mob is a surefire way to get your healer killed.
i had a priest last night take 35min to get to SM because he had "things to do" along the way. 2min before he arrived he's telling us he has to go afk once he ports in and will just follow.

So we ask, how long will you be gone?
"none of you business"
Well are we going to have to wait long?
"none of your business"

So we kicked him, had no tank and 4 manned herod and cath with me healing... druids rock.

Also yesterday, i had a warrior in kurzen's cave train out without telling anyone with like 30 guys on him in the winding cave. He whispers "why didn't you heal me faggot"
oh i also had a gnome agro mograine twice 2 days ago

i mean okay the first time you ran right beside him because you're an idiot, but even after we showed him where to walk, he just runs right by him again.
Pagy said:
oh i also had a gnome agro mograine twice 2 days ago

i mean okay the first time you ran right beside him because you're an idiot, but even after we showed him where to walk, he just runs right by him again.
I hate gnomes :)
Back in my 20s with my warrior in the barrens, running WC was the shit. So I was putting up a LFG for WC, and this rogue sends me a tell to start up a group.
This is how the conversation developed in party chat:

Me: "I'll look for more people."
Rogue: "Yeah, I'll need more people, if I can get a priest I can do it."
I re-read what he just said, and I told him that there was no 'I' in team.
Me: "You mean WE!"
Rogue: "Yeah, we, but I'm sure I'll be doing and taking most of the damage."

I left the group. He then proceeds to ask me, "Why did you leave?".

I almost gave up on the game that time.


Another time, I got into a Maraudon group. The party consisted of a Shaman, Warrior, Me (Warrior), and another Shaman I think. So basically we attempted to do it while one of the two shamans healed and the other tanked (again, there were two warriors including me).

I was stupid to not leave the group in the beginning.

EDIT: Today I am living a life free of World of Warcraft. I spend most of my time reading books, playing tennis, and spending time with my family and friends.
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I was shadowmelded half way across the room on my Hunter, and a pally runs by with a train of mobs. We were in the slag pit. He dies, and starts sending me tells about how I suck because I trained on him. He proceeds to cuss me out and call me names. I tried to tell him that I had nothing to do with it but he just wouldn't listen.
Bodom said:
i tanked onyxia from 6% to 0% on my shaman

forgive me, i didn't mean to imply that shamans couldn't tank. i'm sure they can, but in that particular group the shaman couldn't keep aggro (he insisted to tank).
We were about to enter ST when the warr goes, "I can only play until I level. Then my mom says I have to stop." We asked how much more exp he needs to lvl and he respons "3000." At this point I was thinking we should kick this guy on the spot for intending to leave 5 minutes into an instance. As I was about to say something, this retard mentions, "And you guys have to port me out when I'm done."

Earlier I was on a 16 priest alt, and I see a guy come running by at like half health. So I think I'll be a nice guy and heal him, I cast a renew and a heal on him.

Little did I know there was some newbie high lvl rogue stalking around in moonbrook who had been attacking him, and I had just flagged myself for PvP by healing.


You figure out the rest.
Same stuff as above

Retards training
People rolling on shit for alts
One person in the group running off in an instance and dying, sending 10 mobs our way

Sigh :(