Stunter X

this thread is now about pringles
Meh, I'd rather see someone play around on a trials bike, there's only so many things you can do with a heavy streetbike on pavement. It appears to be small variants on the same tricks.

How many times have they laid down those bikes?

I'd guess many times, the streetbikes have extra protection outboard of the fairing to help further protect the bike.
They have more issuez with shitty welds than accidents caused by being careless. Most locations the get permission and close it off so its not like they do this down a highway or anything. To me this is a growing subculture that i wouldnt be suprised to start seeing at x games (if they still have them)
I would have thought they would be falling off a lot at first from learning how to do the basic stunts. Even the experienced stunters will fall off occasionally.

It looks like it would be fun to try, but I can't get in to watching it.