Stop fucking outside my apartment, OK?

I don't know what the hell is going on here.

For the past few nights I'd be chilling outside my apartment on the balcony, and then all of a sudden a few deer would run by. Fine. I can get over that.

Tonight I go outside, and there's two deer fucking right outside my apartment.

What the hell.

I go inside and get my flashlight and shine it at the buck and he just stops in mid-fuck just looking at me like I'm the one with the problem. Fuck you to buddy.

Later on a whole god damn herd runs by.

The legality of the following sentence is definitely not up for debate. If anyone wants to go deer hunting you can just sit on my balcony.

where is clitter in all of this?
Knock the doe up, and make her get an abortion. Then you're sure to never see it again.