[STEAM] Trading Cards

once you've gotten your free drops, you just have to log into steam like once a week (pretty much runs 24/7 anway :shrug:) for a chance at boosters

rumor is steam sale starts saturday

Last year's rumor mill was hilariously inaccurate as the sale started super late


I'll be excited for the summer sale when it's actually here (MAYBE TOMORROW :eek: )

I don't think you can cash out your steam wallet.
anyone want to trade me some halflife 2 cards for tf2, cs:go, or borderlands ones? I think I may actually upgrade my hl2 badge just because.
Since there is a theoritical limit to the number of cards that can drop (3 x # of copies sold) and if they keep getting bought up to finish the badges meaning they get taken out of the system. I foresee them being worth more, but you're probably going to have to wait a long time.

I actually just noticed earlier that all the trading cards are labeled as "Series 1" - Which makes me think they'll discontinue and roll out with a new series each year or something. That seems like a ton of work though, considering they plan to continually add new games. Who knows.
wow this is pretty evil...so i sold some cards to make enough money to buy all the cards i didn't have for brutal legend. so i bought those to see what happened (didn't really read up on it) - after you complete all the cards, you can craft a badge - once crafted i *think* the badge gave me a brutal legend background, a brutal legend emote (i have no idea what this is for), and a steam coupon for 50% off Victoria II. I say I *think* it did, because I also hit Steam Level 12, which I think only unlocked something with the friends list. Then all your cards disappear...

and you can level up your badges by collecting all the cards again...only this time you will need to trade/buy them to level up since you can't collect any more cards

jesus christ
Yeah, the point of the cards is to craft the badge. The point of the badge is to gain a higher profile level. The point of a higher profile level is to get booster packs at higher rates.

Each badge can get to level 5, I'm not sure if that's true of the foil badges. When you get to lvl 10, you can add a showcase to your profile - that is what the backgrounds are for that you discover when you craft a badge. The emotes are used in comments n stuff - which nobody ever uses afaik.

I saw the profile of some super TF2 item trader.... he was lvl 36 and maxed out his badges for a bunch of games, including the foils. Dude must've spent a ton of cash on it
wow and i thought this thread would be about lolling at any tard getting these.... surprise surpise haggis captain nerd card collector leadin the way! :lol:
well at least i didn't have to spend any of my money.

I have a few coupons if anyone wants them

50% off gary's mod
50% off sniper elite nazi zombie army
75% off serious sam hd
50% off victoria ii
25% off dungeon hearts
They don't stack with any other disvount. Mine also expire pretty soon. I think I'll just wait for the summer sale. 50% off aint shit :sunny:
I sold some cards to complete some other sets to get to lvl 10 just for the booster bonus. Free money!

With the coupons expiring July 7 I wonder if the Summer Sale is going to begin right after.
So do you only get a set number of cards a week or something? I've been playing a good amount of dota and seem to have stopped getting cards (none at all today in fact). It was nice selling a few to pay for keys to unlock chests there for a while.