Starsiege team unveils the Argus (among other things...)


Starsiege Historian²
Veteran X
The Starsiege 2845 team has released their latest public update today. It includes renders of three new human handheld weapons, a pair of kick-ass wallpapers, and the unveiling of the Argus APC.

There are also a handful of (awesome) new audio tracks from the music team and the writing department has released the final installation of their intermediate timeline. Year 2844 brings us up to date on the events just prior to the start of the Starsiege 2845 Single Player Campaign:

Venusian First-Citizen Oliphant Praldar-Singh travels to Mars on a diplomatic embassy to meet with Rianna Yashida-Jones. The two discuss colonial economics, agricultural and industrial trade, and military cooperation among other subjects. The visit dominates the NewsNet feeds for weeks as hired analysts and other talking heads speculate on the future of Colonial-Imperial relations and the establishment of the controversial Free Colonial Forces.

A Cybrid strike force assaults and captures Kuiper Defense Platform Four, one of seven newly constructed naval outposts scattered throughout the outer system. Imperial Command orders the Long Patrol to keep tight surveillance of the platform and its companions but orders no further response.

Thau-Yuros family stock plummets in value after yearly profit and loss reports show a drastic decrease in their portfolio value, caused in large part by the collapse of several industrial manufacturing firms in which they are heavily invested. Hoping to staunch the sudden outflow of capital from the family's holdings, Julius Thau-Yuros resigns his position on the Austin-Yugari board of directors and re-invests a large portion of his funds into a handful of burgeoning chache-tech development corporations.

So what are you still doing here? Go check out the entire update, and the full timeline entry on the official Starsiege 2845 site!
I love the look of this game! It's very detailed, and has a very different feel from T:V. It looks like it's going to be like playing a Command and Conquer game in 1st person! I think this has gone far beyond being just another mod.
looks sick as hell

like always :)

(p.s. im lovin it so fuckin much goddamn i cant wait to try this out 16vs16 style :) )
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thats gay

looks like the crap from starwars

i don't recall there being and argus
i remember ugly taxis but then again i don't see imperial made candle guns...
where they at dood.

And config.sys....i don't remember YOU.

fucking bunch of newb pilots working on that mod

wait who the hell is this

Dragonspit is a concept artist, who even though unfamiliar with Starsiege games has stepped up to the plate in a big way and contributed quite a bit to our weapon design team in the brief time he's been here.

case in point
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You can't be serious dark lord ZooL. Config's been contributing directly to the Tribes storyline and the community for years. He's hardly a newb, especially as far as the franchise's plotline goes. I can think of few people who know as much about the universe as he does. His site was around when I was still with PlanetStarsiege...

Besides that, I can't wait to get my hands on this mod. It's lookin' great. :]