Star Wars: The Last Plinkett Review

Enjoyable review, as always. Could've been a bit more critical though, the movie had a ton of major flaws.

Regarding future Star Wars films, critics talk as though "no one(!)" will buy a ticket to the next movie, whereas supporters say "as much as you complain, you'll still buy a ticket, stfu". The reality is that if just 10% less people see this in the theater, it's a MASSIVE loss for the franchise, not to mention lost interest in the billions of dollars people will or won't spend on related toys, swag, etc. It'll be interesting to see what happens if Disney keeps the current regime in place for the remaining films.
Please explain how joking about boycotting 9 undermines the episode 8 review

Do you know what undermine means lol

Because he rips into all of the SW movies for being terrible. Yet he remains the same demographic that keeps it propped up.

Imagine eating at a restaurant, having awful service and terrible food; You warn everyone not to eat there.... but then you continue to go back every week.
It's not just that it was a bad movie, but it kind of shut down the continued story arc by killing off most of the characters. A lot of people will not go see 9 because there is no place left to take the story, except into a total reboot.
Enjoyable review, as always. Could've been a bit more critical though, the movie had a ton of major flaws.

Regarding future Star Wars films, critics talk as though "no one(!)" will buy a ticket to the next movie, whereas supporters say "as much as you complain, you'll still buy a ticket, stfu". The reality is that if just 10% less people see this in the theater, it's a MASSIVE loss for the franchise, not to mention lost interest in the billions of dollars people will or won't spend on related toys, swag, etc. It'll be interesting to see what happens if Disney keeps the current regime in place for the remaining films.

I'm one of the ones that will not be buying a ticket for the next one. I have lost 100% interest in the seeing the next one.

I enjoyed The force Awakens and I knew that it was a complete rip off of the A New Hope but i still had a good time seeing it in the theater.

I went and saw the A New Hope at a drive in with family when i was around 4 so the originals are pretty much ingrained in me. The Last Jedi was so foreign to me that I wasnt even sure what i watched. I'm good rewatching the original 3 whenever I need to relive my childhood.
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there's definitely a place to take the story: kylo is supreme leader and needs to die or be redeemed or whatever

problem is no one gives a fuck
I only watch this crap on air planes and only then from a morbid curiosity stand point. Fell asleep through a lot of TLJ. Just seemed like stuff happened but not for any reasons. I think a silent place was a better movie and it didn’t even try to be something remarkable.

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Enjoyable review, as always. Could've been a bit more critical though, the movie had a ton of major flaws.

Regarding future Star Wars films, critics talk as though "no one(!)" will buy a ticket to the next movie, whereas supporters say "as much as you complain, you'll still buy a ticket, stfu". The reality is that if just 10% less people see this in the theater, it's a MASSIVE loss for the franchise, not to mention lost interest in the billions of dollars people will or won't spend on related toys, swag, etc. It'll be interesting to see what happens if Disney keeps the current regime in place for the remaining films.

I saw every SW movie in the theater since I was born. The special editions, the prequels, R1 and TFA and TLJ.

I didn't see Solo - though I may pirate it.

And if they don't fire Kathleen Kennedy, I won't go see 9 either.
i didn't like the lack of plinkett in this one but this was good

i spent 60 minutes watching this and i don't plan on seeing the last jedi ever gg
They'd be ok films if they hadn't included the original cast. Just keep Chewie, since wookies live for 400 years and set it a few hundred years later. Solves all of the plotholes and let's the original characters have happy endings
I definitely won't be buying a ticket to any future Star Wars extension movies (didn't see Han, likely won't see any future shit). It's conceivable I'd go see Ep 9, but I doubt it.

The nonsensical plot and poor character development in Last Jedi really put me off, but the excessive liberalism (White men are evil and incompetent, women are the best, a romance between two people of the same race is racist, etc) is too much to sit through.

If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to just sit and watch a movie without a ton of politics, please.

:rofl: Anyone dumb enough to watch any SW movie since the 1/2/3 abominations is just too stupid to help.