Star Citizen Update


Veteran XX
goal: 100 solar systems!!
progress: a few planets and some moons¡¡
cost: 300$ mil
from: a guy with severe acne scars that talks to you as if you're deaf

so after another 50billion$ and 600 years we be simmin like space kangs
almost there! :boogie:

some games are much funner to hear news about than to play :sunny:
God that is one obnoxious intro / mic.

And yeah no shit Star Citizen is only a couple of steps above vaporware in terms of delivery atm, and yet sheeple are still chasing losses by throwing money at it... :nuts:
the fundies still paying into this are psych101 bullet point list no different than scientologists
this shit is bananas

go go Elite Dangerous they got the whole galaxy in there :)

... and it's full of stars
I think the Trump administration has distracted people from the giant cluster fuck that this steaming pile of shit became.

I want jack Booted Thug to come back and update his mega thread.
The deluded 'fans' of this game are out of touch with how project management is supposed to work. CIG is a dumpster fire which can be seen from beyond the horizon.

I always see stupid shit in comments of videos trashing this game like "They're still developing the game, it's not a scam". No, what they're doing is gainfully employing themselves for years and years on your dime without ever delivering the product you paid for - Nobody would sign up for a contractor to spend $600K to build a house, take 7 years to do it and leave you with frame that's exposed to the elements, unlivable and virtually in need of a complete tear-down.

This is why huge publishers like EA and Activision make billions of dollars: Gamers are fucking idiots with their cash.
I paid for the original Kickstarter campaign of this game with plans to upgrade my rig shortly afterwards, which never materialized. Remembered that I had that Kickstarter license and recently went to try it on a system with 32gb ram, 8gb nvidia card, i7 quad core CPU and SSD and the thing ran like 5 frames a second in the character setup screen. Game is gonna require you to own a supercomputer to run it by the time they release it, if that ever happens
The deluded 'fans' of this game are out of touch with how project management is supposed to work. CIG is a dumpster fire which can be seen from beyond the horizon.

I always see stupid shit in comments of videos trashing this game like "They're still developing the game, it's not a scam". No, what they're doing is gainfully employing themselves for years and years on your dime without ever delivering the product you paid for - Nobody would sign up for a contractor to spend $600K to build a house, take 7 years to do it and leave you with frame that's exposed to the elements, unlivable and virtually in need of a complete tear-down.

This is why huge publishers like EA and Activision make billions of dollars: Gamers are fucking idiots with their cash.

its almost how research charities operate like american cancer society where its in their best interest NOT to cure cancer, cuz thatd mean no more $$$ rolling in for "research"
The deluded 'fans' of this game are out of touch with how project management is supposed to work. CIG is a dumpster fire which can be seen from beyond the horizon.

I always see stupid shit in comments of videos trashing this game like "They're still developing the game, it's not a scam". No, what they're doing is gainfully employing themselves for years and years on your dime without ever delivering the product you paid for - Nobody would sign up for a contractor to spend $600K to build a house, take 7 years to do it and leave you with frame that's exposed to the elements, unlivable and virtually in need of a complete tear-down.

This is why huge publishers like EA and Activision make billions of dollars: Gamers are fucking idiots with their cash.

I'll give you gamers are irresponsible and the project management has been utter shyte on this thing. Until October last year they didn't even have a description of what the minimum viable product consisted of. They blew 3 very public, very confident release dates for the single-player game they've been developing "in secret" (read: also development hell) for the past 7 years. And more recently they've altered sales patterns and marketing to be somehow even more greedy. Last year Roberts admitted that they had brought on a couple of investors and given them seats on the board for a 46(?) million dollar """marketing""" investment. Some of their mistakes have been as epic as their ambition and it's impossible to hide from the public anymore.

It's clear that Chris Roberts, while possibly a visionary game designer, has zero project management ability and had absolutely no one to balance his ambition and tell him when certain things weren't a good idea for at least the first 5 years. So you could say development didn't really start in earnest until 2017. After 5 years of "fundraising". After having to shitcan 90% of the work which had been outsourced to studios like Illfonic. Not remotely acceptable.

If you watch the CitizenCon keynote speech last year, they've laid out a list of 12 "pillars" or milestones for the project that will get them to beta, called "Road to Release". 9 of those milestones are complete and playable in the alpha. The remaining 3 are major technical hurdles. So there's an end in sight, or rather, a rough idea of what the end should look like, but still no indication of how long it'll take. We could still be 3 years from beta.

And that's not including any of the game content that still needs to be developed. 100 star systems? Not in my lifetime.
If you watch the CitizenCon keynote speech last year, they've laid out a list of 12 "pillars" or milestones for the project that will get them to beta, called "Road to Release". 9 of those milestones are complete and playable in the alpha. The remaining 3 are major technical hurdles. So there's an end in sight, or rather, a rough idea of what the end should look like, but still no indication of how long it'll take. We could still be 3 years from beta.

You may as well consider any presentation from them as a sales pitch for more money. If CIG runs out of cash it won't matter how 'close' they got.

I will concede that a lot of their time has been spent developing the tools needed to build the game and so one could at least look to that "progress" in place of absent game content. But the testimonials from those employees sounds like Roberts is a giant fucking anchor.
I’ve been a sr project manager long enough to have smelled this a looooooong time ago.

No one can question the ambition and creativity of this dev team but this is obviously what happens when you let creative people roam free without any direction.
You would think taking years in software dev for this would be a continual process since new technology is emerging constantly. The current base engine possibly could be obsolete by the time of completion or whatever. Just seems to me they are overdoing it. Who the fuck is going to have the time with all of this crap anyway?